[quote]Everyone complaining about one strike is hilarious. I mean, come on! It's a strike! You know those things that are boring anyways. The only fun pve in the game is raids and nightfall.[/quote]
So you wouldn't be mad if you and car infront of you paid both full price for combo meal. But then yours does not get fries cuz your driving wrong vehicle model?
The meal is the raid and loot. The crucible maps are the drink. That strike, well that's the napkins.
[quote]The meal is the raid and loot. The crucible maps are the drink. That strike, well that's the napkins.[/quote] Lol nice refrencing and yes it isn't end of world bad or anything, but as a xbox user could have gave me little heads up just so it don't come as hand them money for dlc and have someone jump up suprise motherf***** like koolaid man breaking through wall with news of you only get partial dlc.
boohoo one bag of fries
Fast food is gross.
But see my point? just that could have least given heads up if you selling only half product to some at full price.