You are a dumbass. You know why? You're dissing STRANGERS on the INTERNET based off of the GAMING CONSOLE they use. If that's not being a dumbass, then I don't know what is. Just because you think you're on top of the world because you claim your console is so much better, doesn't mean you get to say that kind of shit. Also, if every Xbox user was, quote on quote, "crying salty tears", then there would be a whole lot more people spamming this thread, trust me. Think about it this way; if the whole scenario was switched around, and they made content exclusive to the Xbox and everything came out first for the Xbox, how would you feel? I don't like it one bit! I think it's very unfair, but there's obviously nothing I can do about it so I don't even bother trying. It's a very frustrating position to be in. I don't even know why I bothered writing this, knowing your type, it's not going to change anything. Whatever. If you want to continue being a dumbass, fine. Be that way.
Personally I wouldn't care about exclusive content I never cared about the exclusive games or early CoD release Dlc so it's whatever to me