[quote]Only thing that has been confirmed on the disc already is the map layout. Thats it. You call that content? I havent seen anyone glitch into any of the parts mentioned today in the Dark Below preview except the strike, and did it have enemies? No. An objective? No. Drops? No. Maybe it had a couple ghosts, but if you're complaining about not being able to access an empty map and a ghost or two, thats just silly.[/quote]
Haha man they can block the spawns and the loads but not the map but the fact that it's there goes to show that it there and people have gotten into parts on the moon too and it's connected via their servers so they block what they can it's supposed to last 10 years for half it won't last for more then 1 you don't have to agree and u prob know nothing about the game industry or how they are put together but usually when there are acessable areas like that it means they intended that to be in the game originally and cut it for what ever reason it's fine if the game had a story of any kind that didn't have to be read and more then a hand full of missions to replay all but too many times in my opinion it came out to early just like titanfall and it wasent finished just pushed out to meet a deadline I doesn't matter in the end we can argue as long as you want it won't change a thing I just should have waited a couple of years for a complete game to be bought in the end I will still play untill the better bungie creations are all put on one disc and again when the doc comes out
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