So those of you who are angry and commenting that you'll never play Destiny (or another Bungie game) are still logging in and taking your precious time to comment on this announcement. I don't buy it for one second. Many of you claiming this have said so in forums for weeks now. Put your money where your mouth is! Log out, sell your copy of the game, and never show up on this site again! Do that or shut up! I'm sick of hearing from you babies when you know damn well you are going to buy that DLC. Did you know your opinion doesn't change mine or anyone else buying habits. The game is fun and when the DLC goes live, and all your friends are playing the DLC and nothing else, guess what you're going to pony up the money for the DLC. Activision knows this, the industry knows this, and guess what all us gamers know it too! It happens time and time again. You can express your disappointment, but please...don't say, "I'm never playing this game again!" Because you just come off looking like a spoiled Diva queen.
Edited by AMD: 10/30/2014 2:50:25 AMFirst off ... 60 bucks isn't wasted because you have a copy of a good game that got you off of playing Titan Fall or COD ( which is the same thing every time ) or BF4 ( like myself, who spent 60 plus DLC $ FOR A GAME THAT WAS BROKEN FOR A VER LONG TIME ) - 2nd off... It's only 60 bucks, same cost as other games sitting somewhere with dust on them but that's none if my business Eh, I'm starting to think you kids are bi**hing just to b!**h, to feel some sort of power by having your opinions heard. It's 60 bucks, you're 'crying' I understand ... BUT DID YOU DIE ? As if 60 BUCKS was gonna be used to PAY YOUR MORTGAGE. Good day
Idk about you... But my time is definitely not precious. And yours obviously isn't either since you're responding on the forums too.
Did it on my phone dumb ass ( makes fap motion at your face ) no login req
Oh na na naaaa
They're not trying to convince you of anything. They're trying to convince the publisher and developer to improve on what is widely regarded as a lackluster product.
[quote]So those of you who are angry and commenting that you'll never play Destiny (or another Bungie game) are still logging in and taking your precious time to comment on this announcement. I don't buy it for one second. Many of you claiming this have said so in forums for weeks now. Put your money where your mouth is! Log out, sell your copy of the game, and never show up on this site again! Do that or shut up! I'm sick of hearing from you babies when you know damn well you are going to buy that DLC. Did you know your opinion doesn't change mine or anyone else buying habits. The game is fun and when the DLC goes live, and all your friends are playing the DLC and nothing else, guess what you're going to pony up the money for the DLC. Activision knows this, the industry knows this, and guess what all us gamers know it too! It happens time and time again. You can express your disappointment, but please...don't say, "I'm never playing this game again!" Because you just come off looking like a spoiled Diva queen.[/quote] You need the game to post on an app??? Quiet down you dumb fatty
Edited by AMD: 10/30/2014 2:29:20 AMohhhhhhhh Na na .... Look what you done started
And this is why, kids, opinions do not matter and do not amount to any tangibility or conceptions or novel thoughts.
People are bitching over their $60 like it was wasted. I have well over 100 hours into the game... Name another activity that provides you 100 hours of entertainment for $60!!! There aren't many. Seriously, I took my kids to the movies and it was $50, for a 90 minute cartoon and popcorn. People who complain this game has too little content have too much free time in life IMHO.
Hey that's not fair, you can't count food into the cost, how much have you eaten smoked and drank while playing destiny
I don't eat popcorn at home, just at the movies. I'd eat, smoke and drink what I have in the house with or without Destiny.
Right all that free food that magically grows outta your fridge? Damn and you raise kids, humanity, WE, ARE, FARKED.
Are you -blam!-ing retarded? I'd pay for and consume all the food and drink my house with or without video games. Try again.
And how would you or your family feel about going to said movie with all the trailers depecting a epic movie that will re define what movies are with their 4 hour masterpiece, and then you sit down to a 30 min stick figure sketch book being flipped through?
And by the way, your comparison is way over done. You're trying to make it sound like people spent Disneyland prices to go on a shitty roller coaster you can ride at any county fair with knock off characters like Ronald Mallard and Rickey the Rat. When the reality is you are getting exactly what you paid for.
Edited by Krijorn: 10/30/2014 3:48:23 AMNo my comparison is dead on. We were told and shown through gameplay footage, vidocs, and the e3 demo we were getting X and we got Y. If destiny was a car, appliance, or anything else a consumer would purchase, Activision and Bungie would already be dealing with false advertisement lawsuits.
Dude the fact that Bungie and Activision used the same marketing buzz words and tag lines for every blockbuster game ever made Nd you lapped that shit like fool and his koolaid just shows how gullible you really are.
Had nothing to do with key words and tag lines, if you read what I wrote it was what we were SHOWN.
Yeah, well Carl's Jr shows Paris Hilton and Kate Upton eating their burgers in their commercials, and I don't see people griping about them not coming with the food that looks nothing like what is advertised. Seriously though, Titanfall did the same thing, marketed their game as this amazing new experience and it was just PVP with AI cannon fodder. Halo has been the same exact rehashed shit since the beginning of the franchise and people ate that shit up. As a matter of fact, people are going to buy the entire Halo franchise all over again and get damn near the same game they've already played for the past 10 years rehashed for a new console. Look if Bungie and Activision announced they were ceasing all development on Destiny effective immediately and would release no more patches or content, you have a valid argument. But they marketed and sold this as an evolving game with planned content releases, yada, yada. The frameworks there for them to add way more stuff and 2 months later it feels the same. I get it! You're bored, you paid $60 for a game you feel is half complete. But I don't feel it's half complete, we bought the base model and will be required to buy upgrades. Video Games have been $60 since the original Xbox and PS2 man, we've spanned 3 console generations without an increase in price to the base game, but today's technology allows for all this revolving and add on content the shake things up. This seems like a new things for consoles to have an MMO type game with event like content and such. Give it time, it will get better. Call of Duty Ghosts was also incomplete and lacking a good story at launch. They had a very basic flat predictable Campaign, 1, and I repeat 1, ONLY 1 extinction mission/mode and then PVP. I beat the game in a couple days, played a bit of PVP, that got old so I moved on to same exact Extinction mission over and over. In 2 weeks I completely burned through that game. After the DLC released though and several months of content releases, updates and patches, it's a completely different game. Extinction mode heavily evolved from what it was and it was worth playing again. That took nearly a year. Here we are 2 months out from launch on Destiny and people are complaining the game is incomplete and lacking content. Seems to me it's just getting started and they are taking their time to see what the community really gravitates toward before investing time to develop the new content. Imagine how much a wasted effort it would have been for Bungie to have a bunch of fully developed, unreleased content that was very similar to the base game that many people are already griping about? Imagine if they spent a ton of time making a Grimoire library in the tower and nobody used it? Imagine if they made Sparrow races part of the original game and people felt it was out of place for a FPS? Imagine if they released this elaborate committed story line that sucked instead of the widely open ended story we got? Imagine Bungie may be smart enough to throttle content so they can test out ideas on their consumer base before doing a full on deep development cycle in an aspect of the game every may just hate? Sorry for the long winded post, and I may be full of shit, Bungie may be screwing us all, but I'll wait until after the game has been out a year and it's had ample time for content buffs before I write it off.
hmmmmm............................ tic toc tic toc, bang bump screech. (went the sound of my brain) you sir make a valid point. maybe just maybe bungie DO want to make the game we want iv had a moan in the past admittedly, but maybe to soon, instead of having a gripe, maybe everyone should voice there opinion on what should be in the game, Bungie may just be waiting to see what we want, and be having a big giggle at al us moaning, knowing they are going to do us proud. Bungie for the time being I'M SORRY ScottLeddy27 you have made a big change in my thinking. Thank you
As a "older" gamer who hasnt really console gamed since the early days of ps2, and spent the majority of my time on pc, i guess i just expect to get what im shown and told i will get.
I think Destiny is really trying to bring MMO style genre to the console and with it being some what of an industry first, it's not going to be perfect. I've never played a game that quite has the amazing and fluid online co-op experience that Destiny has. Don't get me wrong, I wish there was more content, I think they could have given us more at launch, but what we got is still damn fun and very fluid and solid gameplay, and it doesn't mean the content won't ever come along. People try to praise Borderlands 2 over Destiny for content alone. I'll say this, I've never experienced Destiny with the awful lag and choppiness I saw in Borderlands on a simple 2 player online co-op game. Content can always be addressed easily by simply adding more, but it's hard to fix shitty gameplay and Destiny has a solid foundation. As for the connection errors and the KTOs other experience, I've been lucky enough to never been kicked from a game until the day of this recent patch when they claimed to fix it. But it is what it is, I just deal with and carry on.
If you pay for that shite county ride at Disneyland prices technically your still getting what you paid for
Cut my losses and move on. Seriously, if you feel cheated out of $60 on Destiny because it wasn't up to your expectations, you probably shouldn't have spent the $60 in the first place. If $60 feels like such a big investment in your life that you feel cheated by what you feel is a lackluster video game, I'm sorry, but you need to rethink your financial priorities.