I wasn't calling you out about pricing. I just hate it when people say Bungie should be loyal to Xbox gamers. Why should they? Because you got 5 awesome Halo games exclusive to Xbox? That doesn't mean Bungie owe you anything. And even if it did, that's Activision. Bungie didn't make the exclusivity deal with Sony. Activision did. That's just how business works.
no dude, im saying there should be no exclusivity on a game that is sold on all consoles. That doesnt make any sense. I never owned an Xbox, never owned a Halo game. Im saying its unfair and odd to sell a game on all systems but then charge all of them the same price and then give one system more content for the same price. If anything it just looks like the Xboxers are getting ripped off, not that the PS people are getting a gift. The content should just be what it is, no added shit. Its all money in the pocket so people will be encouraged to buy PS and Destiny.
Now [b]that[/b], I agree with.