Am I the only one pumped for this? New content is new content and it's nice to see that it's only 20$. That's like a bucket meal plus tax from kfc. Anyway did you guys not see how the guardians look with their new armor and man does that hand cannon with black and green theme look sweet! Man I'm so pumped to play the new strike and raid and its definitely worth it for me but I know the majority of the kids will say otherwise because they heard some one saying it sucks and they just assume it does.
I hope others are pumped to try out the new content soon! Bungie, good job. Thank you and carry on! All you kiddos, keep calm and quit whining.
The Bad JuJu is black and green and look how that one turned out. ;) I agree though, content is content and with the lack thereof currently, any is welcome.
Bad juju is a pulse rifle not many are a fan of it but those hand cannons though....
I dig it like a grave, that was my intention was to poke fun at that piece of Bad Junk! ;) I'm hoping they up their weapon game with the DLC!!
Well I really hope so as well but then again...seeing the trends from the past, there are going to be bitching and griping about certain weapons which will force bungie to adjust to the demand which is understandable but man it gets frustrating sometimes. I just drink beer and everything becomes fun and the vex, fallen and hive dies from what ever im using so I'm happy.
Nothing like a headshot! ;) Enjoy!
Yueeee i want dlc now
Those Titan Gauntlets bro.... Alone I will spend the $20 just to get those Gauntlets.
Hell yeah! Titans, hunters, locks...lucky! Lol but yeah the new look of the guardians look freaking epic. And man those weapons look nasty! What people don't realize is that this is only the beginning of's only expansion 1 people!! Shit most of us aren't even level 30 yet!
Hell to the yes I'm pumped! I can't wait for the Necrochasm (Exotic Auto) and the Starfire Protocol (Warlick Exotic chest)! It's going to be SICK! Also the Light to 32 is AWESOME
Edited by Cmdr X27: 10/30/2014 2:18:34 AMEris sent me a coded message about "The Necrochasm"; I believe it's a short description of it. It reads: " Pop, pop, BOOM!--pop, pop, BOOM!"
It's basically a Cursed Thrall gun. Ummm....MINE!
Yeah I want the Exotic Auto Rifle too!!
Why I want it. Looks like a BADASS TACO with a side of -blam!-ING BEAST sauce. PLUS when you kill someone, THEY -blam!-ING EXPLODE! GIMME NOW!!
I can't wait to play it. Need to get lol 30 before the ninth
Same, I just need 1 more piece of raid gear.
I need two helm and arms
Word on the level 30. And u hit it on the nose this game is played by baby ass kids. This game has a age req right
Technically it's for teens but kids beg and get Wut they want
well its rated T lol