How can so many of you have the audacity to state that this DLC should be free? I do not agree. If the content was labelled "extra content" even if it was built into the original game initially, then one should pay for those "extra" services. Developers plan, especially when they are going to release DLC. The very beginning of those DLCs may have been built into the game, but we don't know how much of it, it could have been Bungie planning on that DLC being in those locations in the game! If you buy a car that comes with gas, should all the gas thereafter come with the gas for free? I don't think so...we are responsible for the extra DLC if we want it. No one is forcing you to buy the DLC. One can still play the game and have a good experience without the DLC. You are not entitled to it.
Are you for real?! You compare gas with extra dlc??? This destiny game is a car without airconditioning, without lights, no brakes and no f****** cupholders!!!
Thank you for that comment
Yes you are right. This game is good as long you like it. So to make this game last they need sell dlc. to get nice amor,weapon and maybe some new powers
Being a total sycophant will never get you anywhere in life.
Being disparaging will result in an unfulfilling life. You will always be disappointed and never find satisfaction in anything.
I find satisfaction in satisfying things. Destiny, by the looks of things, will never be one of them. This game is a rip off and has been since day one. The only reason I have the time invested that I do is because of the clan I'm in. Once we ask move on, destiny will be the husk of a game it has always been, without the laughter.
Totally agreed. This, and Xbox users seem to forget the exclusivity of Halo, CoD DLC, and many more that have come their way (of which I enjoyed when I owned an X360). This DLC is partially timed exclusive, meaning you get most of the DLC, but the rest will come later. If you don't want to wait for the rest, then don't buy the DLC and wait til the exclusive deal drops, THEN buy it. The only thing I'm remotely upset about is the lack of other planets to play on. These could be added in future DLC, or possibly in Destiny 2. When some of your staff leave mid-development, it's not easy to keep all your shit together like Bungie has. I'm just hoping that Activision isn't out to stretch out the series and turn it into a milk-machine, but I don't think Bungie will let them do that. In a year I hope to be proven right.
Console exclusives are an entire different matter first off. Secondly a month =/= a year. Thirdly if I have to wait a year just to play ONE DLC then I might as well stop playing altogether.
You don't have to wait a year to play the DLC, just for the single Strike mission. The raid, new weapons, armor, level cap, bounty increase, story missions, etc. are all playable same day as PS4.
"If you don't want to wait for the rest, then don't buy the DLC and wait til the exclusive deal drops, THEN buy it. " I was just pointing out that this isn't really the option, so the option is either buy it or buy it.
Or the third option is don't buy it? I guess I'm confused as to what your point is.
Your options were either accept that you're getting less content than the other guys for the same money or wait a year to get the DLC, I'm saying both of those are pretty crap options. Outside of that it's accept getting screwed or don't buy it.
It's Activision doing the "screwing" and you could say the same for CoD map packs. It's not as if you can't buy the DLC at all for a year (or even a month), you still can buy the vast majority of it same day as PS4. The only thing you're missing out on is the Strike. I can understand people being upset about it, but not raging about it.
That's somewhat true, but at the same time these are the conditions Bungie agreed to after all. It's not like they literally had no say in the matter, it's not so much though that we're missing out on *A* strike, it's that they're getting literally 33% more strikes then we are in a game with so few strikes that I thought the playlists were confined to a single strike because I got it three times in a row the first few times going into it.
The problem about the dlc for Xbox being timed is that it's supposedly set to come to Xbox in fall 2015...
And while that is quite the wait for timed exclusivity, there are still new story missions and plenty of other updates from now until then. Xbox owners are still getting the DLC, just not all of it at once. As far as I can tell the only mission missing from the expansion for Xbox owners is one of the Strikes. I'd say that's less than 15% of the total content (including weapons/armor, PvP maps, and other PvE content).
Cars need gas simply to run. You can play Destiny without paying for it assuming you just own the disc. What's a more comparable example if the AC in your car is built in just the manufacturers locked off access to it until you pay a "Opening up" fee, even though the car, including the AC, are yours already.
i dont have a driver's license yet, i take the subway
Except you don't know how much of the content is being added, nor whether it was "cut" from development or not. I glitched into the Jovian Complex and the Terminus, and it looked like crap. No enemies, textures half-loading, plenty of areas where you could just fall out of the map... They have likely been adding placeholders to the game since it's release in preparation for the unfinished expansions. This way, less data needs to be downloaded and added once the expansion is released. Less data to download = less stress on servers = fewer players unable to download the expansion.
The textures look fine for the most part in most of the levels, of which there's several, either way any important area within the level has perfect texturing. If I glitched into phogoth's chambers I'm sure no enemies would spawn either, that doesn't really mean the level isn't finished. Terminus looks just like the trailer, which would only really show off finished content right? I mean you don't put a half textured area in your release trailers. And just because kill barriers aren't set up again that doesn't mean it's not finished. Outside of that when has XBL or PSN crashed from too many people trying to download a DLC? Seems a pretty shitty justification, it's not like downloading the DLC would make things more problematic for Bungie.
Haha that's a good one
Yeah I know right? Also maybe if they sold the game with the cut out stuff that is the DLC they wouldn't make any money and there a company, they need to make money.
Thank you, finally someone with sense! Let's hope everyone buys the DLC and keeps Bungie a float so we keep getting games like Destiny, Halo, etc. If they aren't successful, then this will be the last destiny.
I dont support companies that disrespects their playerbase and dont even bother to respond on the forums or the thousands and thousands of complaints here. Support this company that just ignore their playerbase.