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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/30/2014 1:29:52 AM
How do we input constructive critism for getting screwed over? If PS4 users get 2 strikes, and Xbox One users get 1, and it's still the same $20 pricetag, well, I think the solution is obvious. Nothing much to do except voice our discontent.

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  • Problem is Sony paid for that extra content and we're basically paying for it with our PS+ subscriptions. I don't even want to hear the "Xbox is getting screwed over" story because they've been getting ALL the Call of Duty content early for years, and they'll be getting it for Advanced Warfare as well.

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  • HUGE differences here. Your PS+ pays for better servers and security. Not exclusive content. Also, the CoD (which most on here don't care about) exclusive content was exclusive for a few weeks to a month. Not a whole year, after buying the season pass for the same price.

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  • If you think that's all our PS+ pays for, you're disillusioned. You think all the money Xbox has been charging all these years pays for better servers and nothing else? I've played both systems and the server difference just doesn't exist, they're both great. All that extra cash from the millions of PS+ subscribers goes towards that extra content. Remember Skyrim? Playstation didn't get ANY of the DLC for a good year after Xbox did. It sucked, but we made it. At least you're getting most of it. If you're not content with it, don't pay the $20. That simple.

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  • Edited by Snow: 10/30/2014 2:02:54 AM
    Utterly false. Learn marketing and economic distribution. That's what the money goes for. If you can't see the differences in server qualities, that's on you. Even hackers say Xbox has better security on their servers, and 500,000+ dedicated servers. THAT'S where your PS+ is eventually going. That, and the developers pockets. Also, the delay in Skyrim content was due to harsh coding bugs they couldn't work out. Not an exclusive contract. Also, I bought the limited edition, with the season pass. But of course, Bungie failed to mention that content would be cut for Xbox One users. And if my season pass is only good for a year, unless they release the exclusive content for free, they're going to try and charge again for the content. Shady business tactics 101.

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