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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/30/2014 1:30:50 AM
To those haven't already payed for the dlc, I think you should watch this before you decide on whether it was worth buying. As for my opinion, the game is severly lacking in content as the entire playerbase is saying. Nearly every story mission is the gaurdian going from A to B then defending dinklebot then going to C and fighting a bullet sponge. With little to pointless backstory on what you're doing, why you're fighting, and why are the enemies fighting back. The entire 'campaign' aspect of the game is a joke and requires a lot of improvement. In addition to this this the only 2 events to happen in destiny so far, both have been utter failures. Queens wrath simply being reruns of old missions on a harder difficulty, and iron banner failing at removing/reducing the level advantages. In addition to this the game is lacking core aspects that any game (especially a game that is supposed to be treated as an mmo) such as loot trading, communication, and for god's sake LORE (I understand that the man behind the lore, no longer is working on the game. Howevet no one wants to log out of the game, and then read pages of text to understand what is happening in the game). Although destiny does have magnificent scenery, audio, control mechanics (in the sense it is very smooth, and easy to adapt to), great PvP (despite their not being many game modes, or maps) Overall there are a lot more cons than pros to be seen in destiny. And realeasing a dlc being overpriced at $20/£20, when most of the content was supposed to be realesead in the initial game; this too only a meager 3 months after launch. imo the dlc should be included in the game for free as an attempt to solve the problems the game currently has. However since a business cant run like that, at the least the dlc should be released at a reasonable price. Not doing anything about the release of the dlc is basically like a major fu to the entire player base, it's likr practically saying "we will sell you 50% of the game we advertised for full price ($70), we will then continue to sell you 'additional content' at high prices so you can get the full destiny experience"

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