[quote]The dark below dlc sounds great and all with all the stuff you'll be getting but I'm a full on MMORPG player and really when you know it's right is when the game is released and later on the other parts it begins to unlock just like the plants you had to beat earth/cosmodrome to unlock the moon then beat the moon to get Venus and so on. That's an example of things being done correctly from the beginning of the game and which I still think if bungie can fix some of the bugs and all that his bizz then the game might be perfect! Just like how we create a clan which shows how much we support destiny and for all the updates/patches that happen you should at least compensate us!(total off topic). But bungie so far great game not dissing or getting up in your grill and stuff but you were heading in the right direction with the planets and all that...great thing right there now just all you have to do is recreate it again before you lose more profit because at thee games release your cumulative profit sky rocketed which is fabulous but if you release a dlc not already on disc then you cumulative profit shall soon decrease as well as your APA(active player amount) cause some people can't afford everything like say a 15 year old which I'm 15 and I understand and right now trying to get a part time job to earn my own money And get what I truly want. And also you have so much potentially to fix the game by adding in more planets that you unlock once you beat the raid maybe like Jupiter or Saturn because we get grimore cards for them and yet we can't go there so add those in if you can even a trading system and you can redeem yourself like 69% and you shall see your APA increase and even your profit by other people buying the game you've worked so hard on.
And really the potential some of us see in this game is great while others see it as trash and isn't worth the money but truly it is and just fix it and you shall see once you do you will see your APA increase to where you servers have to be increased ion a bigger holding capacity of APA and a bigger terabyte storage with the cloud server based technology. So please if any of you read this fully you shall understand where bungie went wrong and could easily fix so which shall be good for the whole destiny community and on behalf I'm speaking for my entire clan as well so thank you and everyone have a good day/night![/quote]
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