Hell to the yes I'm pumped! I can't wait for the Necrochasm (Exotic Auto) and the Starfire Protocol (Warlick Exotic chest)! It's going to be SICK! Also the Light to 32 is AWESOME
Edited by Cmdr X27: 10/30/2014 2:18:34 AMEris sent me a coded message about "The Necrochasm"; I believe it's a short description of it. It reads: " Pop, pop, BOOM!--pop, pop, BOOM!"
It's basically a Cursed Thrall gun. Ummm....MINE!
Yeah I want the Exotic Auto Rifle too!!
Why I want it. Looks like a BADASS TACO with a side of -blam!-ING BEAST sauce. PLUS when you kill someone, THEY -blam!-ING EXPLODE! GIMME NOW!!