I'm confused, in ANY other MMO type game, this would be considered just a patch with such little added content. And a patch is free, soooo we're paying 1/3 of what the actual game costs for about 1/12th the amount of content for a patch basically. I'm not mad about spending money, but it shouldn't be 20$. I would say no more than 5$ or 2.99$
When you think about it, a successful MMO type game comes out with a (patch) to release more content every 3 months to keep players interest. So let's do the math. 12/3x20.00=80.00$ a year
Yeah but activision is covering their butt by saying it isn't a mmo. "It's a fps with mmo aspects."
Yea that's true. I just remember during development there was a lot of comparison of this game to an MMO, so I suppose I should just wipe all aspects of this game being anything close to an MMO out of my head. It sucks though cause I had and still do have high hopes for this game. I just hope they can keep my attention.
Same, I was super excited watching the dev blogs and such and that demo of it for the ps4 at where it was... Was it e3 or something where he was looking off in the distance and clearly said, "see that mountain way over there? Well you can go there. Anything you can see you can go to and explore." Now they have all this invisible wall crap and invisible height barriers. Water insta killing you. I mean even ezio from A.C. Could swim.
They don't deserve a big a
They bought it with the money they are stealing.
Then see they are a big "a"
This isn't a MMO
And that makes it okay for Bungie to completely rip off its customers?
No one is forcing us to buy the dlc
How does that excuse anything?
If you think they're are ripping you off then shut up and keep you're money -,- . It's business
You've completely failed to present any sort of argument against what I originally posted. Impressive.
Standard mmo subscription: $15/month, X 12 = $180 / year. Destiny costs less than half, assuming quarterly dlc, not buying season pass. Seems worth it to me...
Assuming we're now talking about MMOs with paid subscriptions, those games have a lot more added content with way more replay value. Like I said, I'm not saying it needs to be free but at least bump the price down a tad bit or add a little more content.
That was really only relevant for paid subscription mmos though
Bear in mind Destiny isn't charging a monthly subscription fee. Developers' salaries have to be paid somehow.
You do have a very good point, I realized the same thing after I posted. I just think that they should either add a little more content to the DLC or dumb the price down a tad bit. In the end I'm going to pay the 20$ regardless, I just don't foresee people sticking around long(especially not 10 years) for tiny bits of content every 3 months for 20$ each time.
Yeah I think you're right there, a little more content for the money would do well. I honestly believe the 10 year plan will include full sequels to the game, the original Activision contract stated this would be the case and a proper sequel is the best way to get people back who have left (as long Bungie listen to and act on the feedback from the first game)!