Who wants to bet cash that "Crota" is just a bigger version of a Hive knight with a greenish color?
Crota might look new...but the hordes of enemies and sub bosses leading up to it will just be buffed up acolytes, knights and thralls with new names.
If any of this happens im just straight up quiting
Puts 75.00 on the table
Puts another $75 on the table next to this guy, orders a glass of whiskey from the bar, sits and waits.
Joins the man at the bar, orders a dr. pepper, and sits quietly waiting for the inevitable
They already sent one of those at us, and I for one have killed it at least a dozen times already (quite easily I might add). Even Bungie isn't dumb enough to do that to us again. (Activision I'm not so sure about though......)
Edited by Legend of Jordy: 10/30/2014 1:49:44 AMI'll bet my Legendary Engram from the time before the update. But he'll probably be like [b]Atheon[/b]: a large minotaur with defining characteristics. So expect to see a gigantic Hive Knight wearing crazy armor and wielding a massive B.A. sword + possibly a shield. [spoiler]Or worse, Crota is actually a giant wizzard with regenerating shields.[/spoiler]
Nah come on. You gotta give credit where credit is due. Atheon looks like a badass and is pretty unique based on the other vex enemies. I'm hoping Crota looks like a battle-ridden ogre or knight cause he fought thousands of guardians and they probably put up a fight.
Edited by Legend of Jordy: 10/30/2014 2:24:31 AMYeah.. He needs more swords. Or three heads or something. I bet Crota will look boss no matter the outcome. Get it? Cuz he's a boss... And.. Nvm Seriously though.
I think he should be guardian sized, mobile, massive sword with magic,
Lol. I don't think my Xbox could ever recover from that. *Puts it down OL' Yeller style. But seriously, I wonder what he would do? * have a complicated shield? * Summon swarm princes * drop ships?
Edited by Legend of Jordy: 10/30/2014 2:00:57 AMIf they take a look at community ideas and MMO bosses: Crota could be a giant you have to have one group lure location to location while the other teams prepare to... stick their thumbs up their ghost. idk Anyways... [b]Crota has a sword, so you could guaranty he'll be a very mobile boss unlike Atheon.[/b] It's very likely you'll have to be on your toes the whole time.
Didn't we destroy his sword already?
Edited by Legend of Jordy: 10/30/2014 2:37:08 AMI doubt it for these reasons: 1) Crota is most likely giant, the sword you thought was Crota's is puny. 2) The sword was said to have killed thousands, but come on, imagine your K/D with that sword in the crucible, you'd be toasted with fusion rifles. 3) The sword is identical to every Hive sword. Ever. You could have easily misplaced it. 4) Dinklebot and the Cryptarchs don't know squat. 5) In the prologue for Sword of Crota's mission it says, "The Warlocks believe" it's there. So totally not confirmed. 6) I don't think a Gaurdian born of light could ever wield something so dark without having their own light drained right out of them. Unless you aren't light and the Traveler is actually dark and evil. I'd imagine the sword having a crazy aura to it.
It would be hilarious to see teammates on the run from Crota, with him close behind; at least until he starts after you.
Mabye his power is to randomly disconnect and send players into orbit? Wait... that's in all of Destiny's gamemodes.
That deserves 1000000 bumps because that's what happens to me every time