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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • Dear Bungie, You tried to make an RPG and failed. Please please please stick to what youre good at in the future: FPS. Out of that 3.2 million people that logged on every day in the first month, how many still are? Half? If that? Now just wait for these heavy hitters to come out the next couple months and all you will have is your fanboys and people who already locked into your dlc still running those repetitive chores. You all need to take a step back and rip up this 10 year plan you had and return to making games that wont collect dust after 30 days. Sincerely, Das Wienerschnitzol

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