Bungie/Activision's new marketing policy seems to be that of your average drug dealer.
Give people something good but keep the good stuff out of it. Then sell them the good stuff just a tiiiny bit at a time, keep them hoping that 'the next one will be the good stuff', etc.
I will not be partaking in this fiasco. Destiny could have been a great game, and perhaps it even will be, in the future. I'll wait until Destiny has -actual-, -good- -working content before returning, if I ever do return. And by then I expect they'll have some DLC superpack for 10$ or something, for what we are expected to pay premium now.
Let me note something for you that haven't been playing the raid since last patch, and remind those of you who have been.
Atheon post-patch has been a glitching nightmare. People getting hit while within the relic shield. People -STILL- being trapped, unable to exit the time gates. Sometimes people will be teleported into an EMPTY area, same as the boss fight area, but none of the teammates are there. Sometimes Atheon will decide to move away from where you can shoot at him from the platform. Sometimes the relic protective bubble will randomly switch off even when the relic holder is holding R1 with a passion. And there's always a good chance someone will get kicked to orbit.
All this for a CHANCE at a drop.
Fix your game, then ask for money. Asking for money for an incomplete game that 'sort of works' is dishonest, unless you sell the game as a 'premium beta' for your hardcore fans to support. I paid for a complete game, and didn't get it. Now you're asking me to pay more. Pft.
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