Why y'all bitchin?! CoD only gives u 4 multiplayer maps for $15 every time, that's it, nothing more and y'all be loving it smh
Cod also gives you a complete release. They add content, not fill in blanks
By complete release, you mean same bs just re mapped? Or do you mean the ever extensive weapons that are almost identical to the last games? Or having people pay for a map that was released 2 games ago? And you might say "oh look at advanced warfare haven't seen that before in other CoDs" maybe you haven't head of this other series called Halo? Look every game has their ups and downs, but they just started this game which is obviously incomplete atm. I'm sure you have seen an iceberg, at least a picture of one. Only a certain percent is showing while under water there is a massive amount of the iceberg you can not see yet. Destiny is the part of the iceberg that is showing, and they still have a lot left to unveil to the players. So in short, boo hoo Destiny isn't the best game ever right now, but what MMORPG shows all it has at the beginning?
So if they never told anyone about dlc and then came out with it, would that please u? Lol
You know what you're getting with cod games.
I just read that in Will smith's voice. Watching too much Fresh Prince
The maps make the multiplayer way more intense... If they reconfigure how maps are setup in this expansion... It will be well worth the 20 dollars, if they are a big then screw it. I don't like however that the new armor will make those who buy the pack better, this is simply not right, it allows players to buy their way to the top. That ideology with games like this is very bad.
Edited by zeig91: 10/30/2014 2:50:36 AMWhat mmorpg doesn't add more levels with dlc? That is not how this works New content gives harder challenges and bigger rewards. And the new missions and strikes will help bring people up to if not at 30. So they have a catch up system in place. People need to stop whining about content they haven't played yet.
Not whining just saying that paid higher level is stupid.
its a difference of only two levels and the only thing that is going to affect really is iron banner most people who really get into that are going to have the content anyways for the weapons and gear.
It's 2 levels. That is really only going to mess with iron banner and most people who really get in to that will have the expansion anyways.
You're not buying your way to the top lol. You're simply continuing the story and it's gonna cost $35 for 2 expansions together. I'm fine with that, just like every other game has dlc, good or bad
I will kill those level 33 with my level 7 lol
That is because the level difference in the crucible works on a 20 level difference fir damage. Iron banner will be destroyed... They need PvP gear and PvE gear that works differently. You however are correct.
Because a mmorpg fps isn't cod
I don't know how people complain about $35 -blam!-in dollars smh
Not all of us have rich parents. ;)
[quote]I don't know how people complain about $35 -blam!-in dollars smh[/quote] Because your not understanding the concept of what a fps mmorpg should be. If you take the time and really listen to what people are saying you probably feel the same. I know I do. Destiny already feels so empty. This dlc is kinda of a let down if truly feel like destiny has so much more potential.
Didn't they say it's not a MMORPG, so stop comparing it to those games and go play that genre
Never have played call of duty.
You buy them for either zombies, or extinction... that is all
CoD sucks. I don't think anyone here cares about that dying game anymore. Just like Destiny already is :)
Cod is still #1
Everyone's entitled to their own opinions :)
The funny thing is that if cod was dying there wouldn't be new cod every year, to me it looks like people are paying up every year for the game and then for the downloadable content / season pass