[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
I see why they made it cost money but cmon guys, really?!? I mean we all spent 60 buck on your sorry excuse for a game and to make it better, you guys promise all this fancy "new" stuff that actually already exists and you guys just try to run our wallets empty so you can get as much cash as possible. This is a pile-of crap! I used to DREAM about playing this game and researched it nonstop ever since I heard about in like May of 2013. I thought that the September 9 release date was reasonable and was just because this game would be "an open world environment". I let it slide and stayed loyal to bungie and kept imagining of how how cool it would be to explore the endless world that was promised to me. Then the day came where I would drive on over to gamestop and start my adventure. Everything was great and then I got to Venus and discovered the reef. Here I met the queens brother. This really confused me because in the trailers and "gameplay" vids he confronted players with a handcannon and threatened to fire. Your response: wait for the expansions and DLCS to be released. So I waited. And waited. And waited. And then I realized what was happening. You guys actually GAVE us copies of the game that have all the stuff on them that was shown in the videos and documentaries, but to actually PLAY THEM, we have to pull out 30 freaking dollars and pay for a game that honestly is a sinking ship. In surprised that your fan base hasn't completely fallen apart already! So all of the greatness of destiny that was promised to us is actually just stuff that we have to pay extra for!!!!!! If you guys don't fix this I think that your "partners" activision are going to blow you away with the sales for cod advanced warfare. So figure it out bungie! Either drop the price to something reasonable like 10 or below or make it completely free! And don't act like I'm the first person to complain about this! If you still don't believe me then why don't you watch this video by a person who has the same beliefs about you guys as I do: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UZ5BpeHVTWY