F*ck you Bungie. The amount of content, more like lack of, is not worth $20. This should be considered a patch and not a DLC.
How far does PS have their d*ck up your ass since us Xbox users are paying the same amount for less content? Why would you allow players to pay the same amount and have to wait a year to play the content? By that time your game is going to be dead and worthless.
Last of all, am I the only one that thinks the grimoire is f*cking stupid. Why would you force players to read to understand the story instead of making it part of the gameplay??? Oh yeah I forgot, there is no f*cking story to play.
Hello. I had X box 3 years running . Hearing I would have to be attached to Internet daily if I upgraded to xbox 1. I waited 4 years for destiny. I switched to ps 1 month before so when I upgraded to ps4 I would have all content and saved game while giving Microsoft my final finger. Ps3 99$ destiny guardian addition 99$ sharing games with friends split priceless.
Anyone who cannot form a cognitive and beneficial post without the F word basically needs to reevaluate their life strategy.
My bad that f*ck is a widely used word to emphasis emotional. I would tell you to go f*ck yourself but you're entitled to your opinion.
Your a joke bro Microsoft has been buying out games making them exclusive for years I'm sorry that one game that you play happens to favor PS over Xbox oh the agony that you must be suffering please cry more so that I may engulf your tears in a wealth of happiness, why don't you just go play sunset overdrive that way you can get all the PSN users to cry about how we don't get it
Hahahaha Sunset Overdrive, really????
Had to pick something, how about halo?! I'm all about pc master race so I'm just content getting all my content on the system I do own
Halo is nothing compared to this trash. It showed that they actually put effort into that game. I'm not a PC gamer, never have been, so I have nothing to say about that.
halo is a completely different franchise. End of tje day instead of swearing like an uneducated cretin juat don't but the dlc
First off, spell check like a normal human being. Second, if you actually read the comments I already bought the DLC's like a lot of people did when they bought the game. Why else would I have made the initial post...? Third, f*ck is one of the greatest words to emphasis emotion so you're stupid.
on my phone and I don't use predictive text. Secondly thats your stupidity in play I didn't buy the season until the content was released thirdly -blam!- is a childish way of making a point.
It is my fault for paying before the info was released. I have never done that before due to never being hyped up for a game like this one. I feel like I was lied too which can't be denied by most players. F*ck is one of the most used words in society and again it emphasis the emotion being used. It is in no way childish and if you feel that way than it's your problem.
well don't get hyped so easily. again it's childish and you could have easily have made your point without swearing
Take out the f*cks and I still made my point. Not get hyped? You're seriously trying to make that point?
last game I got hyped for was halo 4 I was hugely disappointed so stopped getting hyped ever since
So then why are you getting on my case? Your Halo 4 is my Destiny.... Enough said.
so your point is the same as mine ... nobody wants to hear/read it if you hate get rid simples
That's exactly my point halo is amazing and yet here I am on PSN because it's a better platform not my fault Microsoft wants to blow a ton of money to keep games exclusive there is no game company out there that wouldn't want to put their games on both consoles they just sell more it's a matter of fact Bella Microsoft get stingy they don't get what they want so for whatever reason Sony finally decided that they are going to outbid them for a game its not like they locked you out of the game I'm sure it definitely was on the table to make it a PSN exclusive that activation isn't that stupid
My point is why make a blockbuster hit like they're trying to do, some might say they already have, and then limit content for one of the consoles. Forget about PS paying them more for exclusives, as a company they should've realized this would be a problem which it is. That kind of business model is going to lose gamers. They shouldn't have to do this with the money they have already made. This has nothing to do with it being on both console, that's no reason to be complaining. You're obviously a PS gamer so you're on their side and I'm an Xbox gamer pissed off about content that I have to wait a year to get. I'm just stating the obvious you can't have people pay the same amount yet give one console less content.
As far as I'm concern the attempt at a blockbuster game has already failed they were closed but definitely no cigar on this matter sadly the game is lacking in so many places and people on forums are able to come up with changes that would make the game so much easier from quality of life changes to simple content additions that weren't thought of or at least ripped out but it's hard to say that they'll continue on past the next big hit on either console and 10 years that's a joke
I couldn't agree more. Unlike most people I listen to what others say. The community has far better opinions on what should've been in the game. If these people were part of the making this post wouldn't have happened. I have very low expectations on this franchise continuing. No story = no hope.
Makes you wonder what beta testing is for, guess it's just to make sure it's addicting
Exactly.... Makes you wonder who was part of the beta testing because most of this shouldn't have made it to the final version. I feel like I could've done a better job at emphasizing the lack of content which is sad. Don't get me wrong, the game is fun and entertaining but it last for a very very short time.
I agree with what you said but being butt hurt doesn't help fix this cut game
True, I'm just pissed that I already paid for the DLC. Bungie did a complete 180 and it's obvious now that they only care about the money. It feels like they lied about the whole game cuz it's not what they advertised.
Everything is always about money, what job would you do for free?