No, Bungie are not accountable at all. Most likely, the exclusivity deal was struck between Sony and Activision anyway and there is nothing wrong at all with it.
The fact is, Sony have paid money so that their customers can enjoy additional content sooner and at no extra cost, so Xbox owners who say they aren't getting what they paid for are just plain wrong. Sony have done this to gain market share. That's what businesses do, compete to gain an advantage by offering a better product/deal to their customers.
Would you be happier to hear that Microsoft and Sony had colluded to fix prices and rip off their customers? I for one am happy that they are still genuine competitors and not a cartel.
Edited by Zarkari: 10/30/2014 4:01:45 AMWhen I say held accountable I mean they have to accept that some of their customers are going to feel like didn't get what they paid for at the end of the day Bungie made the game and someone at Bungie Corp knew that the deal they signed with Activision could lead to upset customers and the common feeling that many XBOX customers made the wrong choice in buying an Xbox that's another debate for another time. we all bought the game to play it and have fun and when Xbox customers found out that parts of the game were blocked off but the game was the same price as the PS4 version they would understandably feel short changed one thing we all need to understand is that Microsoft , Sony, Activision & Bungie are not our friends they are in business selling things to consumers and customers have a right to complain If they feel cheated and sadly Video games can not be returned so when we buy a game and don't Like it or find out that we only got part of the product we paid for all we can do is post to forums