First things first: this is a comment from someone who's pissed. If you think I'm a hater, or you just think my opinion is stupid, then good for you. Move on and stop looking at the post.
Where to start? Ah, yes. Let's begin with how we're paying 20 dollars for possibly 5 dollars worth of content at most. In reality, most games have patches and updates bigger than this. We get: 3 story missions (which will almost certainly follow one of the following templates: kill unoriginal boss, or use ghost > defend against waves of enemies), 1 strike (2 strikes for PlayStation players, and this is ranted about further down), and 1 raid. Yeah, there's some new items, but there weren't enough to begin this game with anyways. While I have no source, so I won't say this is 100% true, it seems like all of the content was cut. They give us a hollow game with little to start with, and they're giving us tiny little patches to try and cover their failure up.
What's next? How about PlayStation's exclusivity deal? Okay. I'm not dumb. Sony claimed this extra deal a while back. If we wanted extra stuff, we buy PlayStation. Fair enough, right? Well, what about us who want other Xbox One exclusives and don't have the money to afford a PS4? I also understand that this extra content is provided with extra funda by PlayStation, but even still, they're not even giving enough content to PlayStation players, let alone Xbox players.
What else? Let's touch on the future of this game. First of all, I've got Halo: MCC, Far Cry 4, and Evolve coming up soon, along with a lot more games coming in the future. With overpriced DLC and not enough content as is, this game will never survive 10 years. I doubt it'll survive 1, at this rate. Buy the time their deal ends and I'd finally be willing to buy the DLCs the game will be dead anyways. Hell, I'm not the only pissed one. Look at the community, Bungie. You done goofed.
So, that's about it. Comment below if you have something you'd like to say about my opinion (good or bad, I'm open minded), call me a(n) [insert insulting name here], or bump the post. Thanks for reading.
TL;DR version: I'm mad at Bungie because we (Xbox players in particular) deserve more content, and if Bungie's Desinty continues this path it will die out quickly.
Thank you for this article I didn't realize have ps exclusives on the ps this has made me reconsider or at least wonder if it worth it
Whether you play Playstation or Xbox, this part of Kotaku's article was important. [quote]This all might not be as bad if The Dark Below was packed full o' things to do, but even with the PlayStation-exclusive strike, Destiny's first expansion isn't really all that meaty. Unless the new story missions add some variety to Destiny's vanilla "deploy ghost -> fight waves of enemies" structure, you're essentially paying $20 for a raid and two strikes, which makes it particularly aggravating that some people won't get one of those strikes (for at least a year) simply because they chose to play the game on the platform Bungie likes least.[/quote]
Yet again whose fault is it that Xbox might not get it for a year Microsoft is their a whole bunch of content in the 1st dlc no but you also have to look at how they implement things into the game would you rather them put 7 strikes an 3 raids in the game increase the cap to 40 an add a few story line missions because if that's the case next thing people will be complaining about how its unbalanced. Bungie doesn't favor anyone everyone thought bungie would never work with Sony an now Xbox fans are upset by the fact not only are they working with Sony the titles getting exclusive things on it for their system just like Microsoft has exclusive rights to dlc Sony has blame Microsoft for Making poor choices in the dlc rights they own an choose to keep supporting