I've been with Bungie since the original Halo and PC games. Halo is one of my favorite franchises of all time and I was super hyped for Destiny. While I do indeed enjoy this game, it's obvious it could have been so much more and alot of stuff was scrapped in attempt to milk us for every penny we have on top of the lackluster content you give us. I bought the deluxe edition to support you, but believe me that will be the last thing I purchase from this company.
I keep hearing that people have 'supported' bungie all these years. What crap. You bought a game and enjoyed playing it. You werent paying them welfare checks or something.... Doesn't mean you entitled to anything. Shut up, go away, stop bringing the world down to your sad level.
You bought the deluxe edition to support them. Why are you whining? You're money went exactly where you intended. Unless you didn't really want to support them. It sounds like you're just supporting your own entitlement.
Edited by FinalBossVX: 10/30/2014 2:54:53 AMI agree with you. I been playing their games since Halo CE. I put a shit ton of hours into this game, that doesnt mean there alot of content, it means that ive been doing the little PvE content there is over and over because ppl telling me that once the DLC came out there was gonna be alot more content. 1 strike, 1 raid, not even any new planets hahaha. Notice i didnt bring up the 3regular missions because those arent even worth mentioning. And the PvP maps are a plus, but Destiny doesnt need any more PvP content for now. 1 strike and 1 raid is absolutely ridiculous.
what a childish thing to say