The following is a repost from Kotaku. You can find the original post here:
On December 9, Bungie will release The Dark Below, a new expansion pack for Destiny. For $20, you'll get some new story missions, some multiplayer maps, a raid, and two new strikes. Unless you're on Xbox.
Yep, Sony's snagged themselves yet another Destiny exclusive: one of The Dark Below's strike missions—you know, the ones where you and two other players go through quasi-dungeons and take on powerful bosses—is only for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4. Bungie says the exclusive is until "at least" fall of 2015, which means that for the next year at a minimum, Xbox players will miss out on a large chunk of The Dark Below.
That's on top of the already-PlayStation-exclusive Dust Palace strike, so if you're keeping track, by the second week of December, PlayStation owners will have eight strikes while Xbox players only have six. Of course, it's been clear for months now that Bungie has firmly sided with Sony in the battle for your living room, but that hasn't stopped Xbox fans from feeling ripped off. How can you blame them? They're paying the same amount of money as PlayStation players, yet getting less stuff.
It's yet another example of video game console warfare having a negative effect on the people who actually play games. Forum soldiers and fanboys might enjoy this sort of exclusivity nonsense, and it might help Sony's bottom line, but for Xbox owners who have been playing and enjoying Destiny, this is really shitty. (Similarly, Microsoft's timed exclusive deal for next year's Rise of the Tomb Raider has justifiably annoyed PlayStation fans who want to check out Lara Croft's next adventure.)
This all might not be as bad if The Dark Below was packed full o' things to do, but even with the PlayStation-exclusive strike, Destiny's first expansion isn't really all that meaty. Unless the new story missions add some variety to Destiny's vanilla "deploy ghost -> fight waves of enemies" structure, you're essentially paying $20 for a raid and two strikes, which makes it particularly aggravating that some people won't get one of those strikes (for at least a year) simply because they chose to play the game on the platform Bungie likes least.
Console exclusivity might have saved some developers' hides over the past few years—just ask the folks behind Titanfall—but this sort of practice is just going to breed more resentment in the people who play games, and who could blame them?
Edited by Nijuka: 10/30/2014 5:33:41 PMNo one forced them to get Xbox, no one forced them to buy it for it. Bungie stated at the very beginning before release that if you wanted the complete destiny experience then you would want to get it for the PlayStation. No one to blame but the consumer, as everyone was warned before release.
All of a sudden Sony does this with one game, when Microsoft has done it more than once, and Sony is in the wrong. [quote]A large chunk of the DLC.[/quote] Mmmmmmmm, too much sense, when it's literally one strike (maybe 30 minutes of gameplay you guys already complain about). Whatever. Knowing Xbox Fanboys you'll all just migrate over to the next Call of Duty soon anyways. Timed Exclusive City there, but we don't complain, you entitled brats.
these console makers have been pitting us players against each other and enjoying the free publicity of their products for long enough. It's time that we, players, realize that console wars are pointless. Our only subject of debate should be whether or not we are getting what we are being advertised through the media. Whether or not we are getting the games, consoles and features these products showcase. Take the war to where it matters. Sitting here online and claiming my "dixx" is bigger than yours doesn't make any difference
Playstation players never cried about not having Halo. You xbox gamers act like you're so entitled. Bungie is done with Microsoft, they don't have to make games for xbox if they don't want to.
And im done with Bungie
Oh yeah yeah. Quit bitching Xbox players. You got 4 exclusive GAMES. And the MCC and Halo 5. Grow the -blam!- up you spoilt arrogant pricks.
Besides I think I have better things to bitch about, like.. Activision chopping up the story into DLC and selling each one for 15 dollars
I.. Was never bitching in the first place
Wasn't referring to you? And they literally just finished the Dark Below. They added half made areas to reduce DLC downloading times.
I"m a ps fan. I think it's unfair to the xbox gamers. Period. exclusives on launch is ok... but not this far after launch. and to be honest, dust palace is the worst strike.... trust me xbox players u are not missing much
In the end its a marketing stunt. They want ppl to buy ps4s with this dlc + destiny. This commotion wouldn't happen if they just added the exclusive content free with a patch after dlc's launch. Its that they are constantly saying 'hey look get more for ur money with ps4' that makes this so shady. I play destiny on ps4.
Exclusives on release is one thing and had been ok for time being but to make dlc exclusives is complete bs... And on top of that not let anyone know till now?! Bungie/Activision I get that Sony pays up the ass for this (if not then I guess u really want the game to fail) but there are some things u don't cross or mess with and exclusive dlc is not a smart idea on ur part... When a game is soo big on release and doesn't live up to its name and u didn't bother letting anyone know or delaying the release to fix the game, then u put ur self as the ones at fault for every little thing in the game... But u guys didn't see that as enough and decided that money talk more than the gaming community (and if u think destiny was going to make people switch consoles, well think again because the game didn't live up to what it looked to be). Well Bungie/Activision, here is a FACT... THE COMMUNITY DECIDES IF THE GAME YOU MADE LIVES, OR DIES! SO IF U SPEND 500 million to make the game and sold enough copies to make 500 million. And the game flops well great for u, u made ur money back, but if u spend 500 million and and u make back 250 million and ur game lives, well u continues to rapidly make ur money back, because word spreads and people talk...
Yeah the community is switching from xbox to ps4 more and more because of the better graphics and Microsoft no longer has a hold on companies like Bungie. When you guys stop playing Destiny to play the old Halo MCC series, no one will notice, at least the majority of the cry babies will be gone from these forums.
Lmao graphics are better? Ahhh I won't waste my time with fan boys, go bother someone else
[quote]Lmao graphics are better? Ahhh I won't waste my time with fan boys, go bother someone else[/quote] Yet you just took the time to fuel the fire you're laughing your ass off over. Ignorance.
You gotta be kidding me
No I'm being dead serious, go waste someone else's time
Now you know how PS3 cod players feel
This is the most retarded counter argument I've ever seen.
Ok enough about the delayed COD release. I've said this on other posts and I'll say it again PS GOT the entire DLC. It might have been a month later. But you PAID the SAME PRICE for the SAME DLC. Xbox players are paying the se price for less. How is that not a complete ripoff?
Never complained seeing that I have a PS3
You can get the same DLC you just have to wait a year lol
Should have bought a ps4 womp womp! I switched cuz I research and found out ps4 was better all around better!!
[quote]Should have bought a ps4 womp womp! I switched cuz I research and decided that ps4 was better [i]for what I want in a console[/i].[/quote] Fixed that for you. Opinions are opinions. There's no facts here. Leave the console war for the playground.
Opinions are supposed to obtain facts mine was very valid do your research gamer