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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/30/2014 2:56:39 AM
The problem with this is: Halo was an game exclusive. As a PS only owner you haven't bought it. When you see this situation, you have Destiny players who have paid all the same amount of money. I have no problems with exclusive weapons or shaders or whatever. But I have a problem with exclusive playable content. This game lacks in variety and even this small content is additionally cuted for Xbox Users. (especially the last point was unpredicted, so we had to pay first! ) The argument with CoD is a little bit different too. It was one month not one year. Ok you can say, other games like GTA IV had massive delay's too But there is still the difference, you hadn't paid for this content. Until fall 2015 they wouldn't release just this 2 expansions. In the this speed they release 5-6 expansions. Just make a summary of how much content is cut in total until fall 2015. Alone 5-6 strikes! Maybe an Raid or two, if they feel like. PvP has some exclusive maps too. Thats alone one expansion! Something guys on Xbox paid and couldn't access. If you say I'am a crybaby or I should grow up especially because Xbox was treated so well in the past. I bought the majority of my CoD games on Steam. So I had the same delays and I didn't whine about it. If you say, we had Halo. You had Killzone. You had the quantic dream stuff like heavy rain. You had god of war. There are exclusives on both consoles, so this isn't a argument. Your argument we should buy an PS4. Sry but there are several reasons I bought an Xbox. -All of my long yeared friends were on Live -I liked the exclusives like Halo more -I have more trust in Microsoft in terms of security. PSN was hacked several times in the last few years. -very good experience with the Microsoft support (they treated me as a customer very well) Just to show you the other side of the medal and an little overview what we talking about. But in the end this whole post is useless. You will stay with your arguments and I'am with mine. I feel bad treated, you feel something like a revenge over the bad treatment you get in the past. And in the end, when the next game will be released, Xbox gets an time exclusive. A guy like you will replace me and a guy like me will replace you. They will fight each other, the console wars will carry on and the industry will think, this time exclusives are ok and systemsellers. They will do it over and over and over again. Split communities which should stay together and let us go to hell. sincerly a sad scaleoj

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