Halo DLC was ten dollars. You know what you got? 3 multiplayer maps, maybe one DLC armor, and maybe some weapon skins. COD Map Packs are twenty dollars. You know how many maps you get? 3 Multiplayer, 1 side mode. Pay extra for the weapon skins. This costs twenty dollars, $17.50 if you bought the Expansion Pass. You'll get a crap ton of new, not recolored, but new weapons and armor, 3 multiplayer maps, 3 story missions, a side mission, a raid, and a boost to the level cap.
Can somebody explain to me what I'm missing? I don't understand how your money is worth less when you spend it on Destiny.
It's because it's content they took from your game last minute just to make a profit off of you, you should have had this content at launch. That's the problem did you even read the post?
This was never the plan. Destiny always had an MMO release schedule in mind where instead of paying every month, you pay every tier (raid with better gear than previous raid) and move along. This was the gameplan from concept.
One statement: "WOW does it better..." I mean come on, you have an mmorpgfps here and it cant deliver... should of had more content to start and added some minigame to the tower or something else on dlc.
Wow has been out since the galaxy was born. Just saying. .they've had more than enough time to tweak the game. .it's been out since time was time. How old is Destiny? Exactly
It's been out for about 1 month
That's my point
Exactly idk why people keep on bitching like seriously bungie is trying their best but everyone keeps getting pissed off at whatever they do to the game
It's like bungie fixes stuff people want fixed, then the complain that it's fixed.
Like people wanted the mythlocast nerfed and people were complaining that it was trash so now bungie is buffing it again
Might wanna do your research cod maps are 15$ and come with 4 maps 1 special map for the coop mode and sometimes an extra gun.
And? The quality of those dlc maps were crap, and two of the DLCs gave guns, this DLC gives weapons gear ships maps stories raid strikes shaders and speeders. I think you missed the point bud
People also seem to forget that bungie is continuing to support this game as it goes along. 20$ for some new content every 3 months or so is not a big deal. It seems like people expect an irrational amount of content and upkeep for a game that's not even sub fee based.
The only thing of "full content" I have enjoyed is the Artwork, the artwork you advertise and the concept art are freaking awesome. I feel I should of bought the artbook instead of the game. If you continue to nickel and dime us with this game I guarantee you when The Division comes out with it's Full content as a foundation it will be a dark day for this game.
Can't wait for The Division!
Sure. The things they are including are what was cut from the original game to reach that 10 year mark. That's what people are upset about.
New weapons that will probably be nerfed, new gear that is mandatory to reach level cap, so everyone is going to have to use it, 3 story missions that probably won't clarify anything that happened in Destinys campaign. Pvp maps are cool if your in to that. Only reason why I'd buy this is for the raid, but I don't think I'm going to pay 20$ for a raid and another strike to do to slightly add some variance to the incredibly dull tiger strike playlist.
Thank you...
No! Thank you.
Because man, that stuff was already MADE into the final cut of the game, then they chopped it all out just before release because they could make $80 potentially instead of $60
No 100$ actually it's like 20$ per dlc I'm Pretty sure and they are having 2 dlcs. Bungie is not a good honest company they even lied about a lot if the things they said before launch and everything posted in the trailers to make it look good were not even in the game. -blam!- BUNGIE.
Cod Map Packs are actually 15$.