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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
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  • Pfft, ill be getting my full refund for this piece of shit as soon as the -blam!-in game store door open. This game is garbage cant believe i fell for the hype. CoD was always a batter shooter anyway. Lead story writer bounced on yall dumbass and still made money off this. THATS why u dipshit wont explain that shit to us. Removed gambling mechs which went along with the loot system that prevented players becoming op which coincidentally explains the stupid ass glimmer cap because the trade of weps through gambling or trading with other players could mass produce glimmer, which WAS the main currency for factions until CoD put this pvp idea in your dumbass heads and u went for it why? cause you had no story writer, and didnt know how to finiah the story, so you decided to rebuff pvp and thus changed all faction currency to crucible marks and capped the glimmer and reduced usage to minor vendors only. And since you were refocusing on pvp the use for pve elements got downplayed, sparrows, ships, On planet maps, HuD, THEN by listening to bitches about pvp you -blam!-ed it royally. Balanced all stats except for the weps, so If vex did 300dps and you only had a balanced health of 300 just like everyone else, guess what? Ohk. Dumbasses. Then you change shotgun to a ? Its useless, i understand its overused but what? Shotgun pointblank to the face but no death? Uhm...ok? THEN u change the raid because people beath it with a strategy...and a team, wait...wasnt that the goal? So you changed it so that people would have to quickly adjust and think on their own? uhm, ok? Then you want people to do it constantly for a random result? uhm...o...k. BUT all this could be ignored, we knew what for. Ill tell you. The Speaker is working FOR the traveler(duh) No, the traveler is the darkness the speaker is its herald, the black garden is the inside of the traveler where the Vex Work to maintain the darkness(oh so traveler bad) We are the people who are supposed to help bring the traveler back, but unwittingly stumbled upon the truth(this part cut out put in dlc) Therees more and i dont know it all but this story was chopped qnd screwed by bungies collaborators who felt more money could be made by seperating the finished product into dlcs, and forcing teamplay, but in order to team play u need psplus, hence the excllusive content, xbox dont get this cause well, most xbox players have to pay for xbox to access internet anyway, so most likely you guys have to wait because they need to figure out a way to make you pay MORE for the dlc(ouch good luck). In the end....-blam!- you bungie and your community manager whom you hired to take the downfall for shit like this when it happens in the forums. And -blam!- you Deej for being a two bit sellout, for some change. Dirty ass. Im out. lmao. <~This

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