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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/30/2014 3:13:50 AM
Lol at all these long winded complaints! DLC looks great can't wait! The game is great and the progress you guys are trying to make looks promising. I for one along with all the rest of these ppl (who you kidding you ain't trading in sheeeeet!?) will be there in December.

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  • Your buying the same shit you got got at launch and you will get bore of it. And your also buying content that was cut from your disc last minute so bungie can make a profit off of you. Your a fool. If you think this is ok then other companies will do this same thing and we will end up paying 100$ to have a complete game all the time.

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  • Ah. understand the story so far? Cool, and you like the fact that chunks of gameplay are missing from the game, but purposely removed to make more money off you. nice thats fine. You're also cool with the randomness of loot, non communication, matchmaking, constant grind to no avail just to get something...random? Ok fanboy.

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