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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/30/2014 3:19:15 AM
The only thing that bugs me(well I can't say only because honestly a lot of this bugs me) is there was no announcement that Xbox players would be locked out of so much. If I had known that we would be losing so much content for merely owning this console I wouldn't have bought the game,a couple things exclusive to the ps4 is fine but they ALREADY have 3 armor sets,1 strike,2 exotics, and 3 ships and now they get more from this dlc? I haven't come across something like this in any game before,timed exclusives or even a few permanents are one thing,but they are just chopping off huge chunks of the game and even more so for Xbox owners. The fact that they had 2 docs already announced before the game a release tells me it was stuff that was already meant to be added to the final product,I'm not going to rage at bungie because it's business but I'm extremely disappointed all the same.

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  • The way you spelled Synyster.................Avenged Sevenfold fan?

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  • Indeed sir

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  • Nice.......Welcome to the Family. Lol.

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  • As an Xbox owner myself i understand, but in all honesty it's probably all just a -blam!- you to Microsoft for keeping the Halo license and the way they treated Bungie

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  • If that's the case why hold its loyal fan base as collateral damage?? Ass hole move!

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  • That is true but that's something as a consumer I knew I would have to deal with and I accepted. It may be unfair but that's just how business works these days.

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  • Thats almost exactly what i was gunna say lol

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  • Bump. It's -blam!-ing WRONG. Xbox players should not be expected to pay the same amount of money for a dlc that has had a huge chunk of content removed. ALL PLAYERS SHOULD GET THE FULL GAME, not just Playstation players. Xbox players are the ones who supported Bungie for 10+ years by buying Halo.... and how do they repay us? By charging us the same amount of money for a game that has chunks of content pulled out of it. -blam!- you Bungie. I think a Facebook commenter said it best when he said "Bungie completely -blam!-ed up." The correct thing for Bungie to do now is to revert this stupid, stupid decision. Undo whatever stupid deal was made with Sony, give them back their money and give ALL PLAYERS THE FULL GAME, regardless of what console they are playing on. Anything less than this is UNFAIR, it's as simple as that. Unless this excruciatingly stupid dlc problem is fixed, I will not be buying the dlc. At the very least, the Xbox version of the dlc should be cheaper. It's really, really surprising that Bungie could make such a stupid decision. Whoever made the decision to give Xbox players less content for paying the same amount of money needs to receive a really, really, really hard slap in the face.

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  • That is not going to happen. What is much much more likely is calling Microsoft and getting a refund. It has been done before. I've seen it with other content for sure. I've only read of people doing it with Destiny Ghost or whichever version is $90. Full refund. I am going to spread the word everywhere. People read no refund and think a mega corp like Microsoft wants anything more than for you to be happy with their product.

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  • Even with cod in the equation, I'm pretty sure that they only had to wait like... A few weeks for the DLC? Anyway, PS has exclusivity through AT LEAST 2015 which is... 3 whole months. And to top it off, they get more exclusive content before the others time out. While I'm not "mad" [spoiler]inb4sonyponyyourejustmad retort (sorry for all you civil sony fans who have to listen to those idiots)[/spoiler] about the deal (yeah Sony dropped the cash) it just seems odd to me that the exclusives contain so much more in an already pretty barren game for so long. Definitely not something I can recall seeing or hearing about.

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  • Bump

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  • DICE did this with battlefield 3 on the ps3. not sure about bf4 though. on the flipside, cod has their dlc drop for xbox first. #lol

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  • Edited by nightfall93: 10/30/2014 3:52:04 AM
    The gta 4 expansions came out on Xbox almost a year before Playstation got it. It's all business and contracts and money

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  • A strict multiplayer game is different and they did a short timed exclusivity which was pretty much just a map pack. The small amount of content even added in dlc is just sad. Adding 3 or 4 maps with new weapons and game types is something you do with a multiplayer only game. A game with PvP/pve dressed to be an mmo should deliver much more,this isn't even counting the chunk of crap kept from Xbox players. I've just never seen this kind of thing done on such a large scale,its like releasing LITERALLY half a game,then cutting another 3rd from it for extra cash. I just don't know where in the ungodly -blam!- that 500mil went

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