[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
Kinda really upset that , PlayStation gets an extra strike. I really love destiny and tell all my friends that its a great game and don't listen to all the trash talk because its newbs who can't find armor, but it seems that you guys are constantly going down hill. If this is going to be a grind game then why not give us all access to the content to grind on or if its going to be exclusive atleast make it available by the second DLC . I have no problem with the price because the content adds 40± hours but ,why wait a whole year for the exclusive to be avaible to everyone. You still banked 500 million dollars that you didn't bother to spend on the game at all. Its just really upsetting that you treat your fans like such garbage, and make us feel like beggers for content we deserve. The friggen exclusive should be availible to loyal players not different system owners. And how hard is it to make different crucible match types ,all you have to do is use the same maps and make a different point system or add a bomb that has to be deactivated or a flag that's carryed to the other side. Or add all swords. Or use the existing planet maps and give us all pikes and race around. It would take literally 1 nights worth of coding to make : a bomb, a flag, and a course on each planet to race around.