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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/30/2014 3:35:42 AM
For so little content, I find it hard to imagine that I would buy this dlc if I hadn't purchased a digital guardian edition. But foolishly,I placed my faith in Bungie to deliver a quality product. Maybe Bungie placed too much faith in themselves and thought that their existing goodwill would carry them through this. Destiny really isn't bad, but it's definitely not great. It's definitely not the 10 year epic we were sold on. A real storyline would have been nice, with meaningful dialogue for the quality voice talent to read. Some semblance of structured PvP multiplayer would have been better than the chaos that the crucible. This game is fun but not qualitatively good. My great hope is that the poor quality of this game is an indicator that the best people from the Bungie we knew and loved ("the creators of Halo") stayed behind at 343, and will deliver on their promises for the Master Chief Collection and Halo 5.

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