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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
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  • Dear Bungie, i don't normally leave feedback, reason being is that i'm guilty of engaging in today's consumer culture. The culture of taking efforts for granted with high expectations and only voicing my disappointment if standards aren't met under anonymity with zero personal accountability for any harsh words i say. We all know that the general forums and mainly the feedback forums is the place to find common faults and frustrations, however it's the wrong demographic for obtaining mainstream opinion of the game. I've been an active participant in online gaming communities for about 15 years, entering with an optimistic and positive approach to the development of MMOs in particular, however as time went by with the market being flooded with clones of the same genre, i was all too familiar with the hype and inevitable let-downs and would often look towards the negative aspects of a game to distinguish it between others, leaving me quite cynical and losing touch with the enjoyment that brought me into the gaming scene in the beginning. I frequently enjoy FPS to casually kill time, but taking this from an MMO angle, In particular, the last few years in my transition period between WoW>STWOR>GW2>Wildstar>Archage. Many titles have made vague promises and have pre-sold tickets to the hype train and for various reasons, myself and others have been underwhelmed and disappointed more and more. As time went by, i felt that voicing my concerns and harsh opinions were getting old and futile and began to wonder if the industry was declining in ingenuity or was it my fault for pitting the accomplishments of one game against another to see it in a bad light and raising my false expectations? Either way, i started to take developers pre-launch boasts with a grain of salt and eventually lost heavy interest in investing my time in online gaming. Until about mid 2013, Desinty's perception became fully aware to me and despite the better of me, i couldn't help myself to be hyped about it, really hyped. I don't know if it was stupidity, or the wanting to feel excited about a game again, which i haven't felt in a long time, but i took a leap of faith and told myself and others "You know what? this could be the next big thing i could throw myself into long-term since WoW." As time went on from my awareness of Destiny to the Beta, i had no doubts about the game whatsoever, just increased anticipation. I'll fast forward to today. Completing the story missions in a couple of days since launch, having my fill of casual crucible and currently finding the daily missions and Raid as a grind and not much in terms in the way of customization...this is not what i had initially expected after Beta, to be at this stage so early of release. This game in my opinion is clearly lacking on so many aspects in terms of content. But instead of getting upset and once again voicing my disappointment on how i've been let down once again, i stepped back and had a really good look at myself because despite the game lacking, i did find myself to thoroughly enjoy myself when it was new to me. The FPS mechanics are solid and the environment is captivating (to the point where i would find myself on patrol, trying to jump to places in the hope of finding something that hasn't been discovered yet). To me, everything that currently exists in Destiny, feels polished to perfection, it's just not what i hoped for in terms of features and content, so with all the grinding and repetition in this case, i'm kind of a bit bored. Does that mean i'll give up? Not by a long shot. What i see here is the solid foundation of a ballsy hybrid genre, waiting to be expanded and filled at a gradual, but refined rate. This game feels structured to the point where almost anything is possible and when i look at feedback ideas to implement into Destiny, as far fetched as they sound, i look at many of these concepts as a 'When' and not an 'If'. Thus, the whole concept of Destiny being the next big thing to benchmark others to come, to me is a matter of 'When' and right now, i'm content to grind it out in anticipation of what's to come. Despite, not being what i hope for, i'm heavily invested. No game this new is ever without it's share of bugs and imbalances and although i have expressed my concerns here, i'm actually surprised in comparison with other games, that Destiny is still thoroughly playable. So, instead of a complaint, it's about time i leave some positive feedback in appreciation of Bungie's efforts. Kudos to your marketing team, they had me believing it was going to be bigger than i initially expected, however as it is, is still worth every cent of my money. I look forward to the new expansion, it's looking incredible, although not as big as i hoped. But, slow and steady wins the race and i have no doubt you have more tricks up your sleeves to keep me playing.

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