Yeah wouldn't care if we didn't have to pay the same amount, if Sony wants to pay all kinds of money to get exclusive content that's fine. Not paying the same $20 for less content though, that's just stupid. Game was fun but I won't be buying any DLC if I'm paying the same price and getting less. Whatever marketing genius with 4 MBA's thought this one up I'm sure will be laughing his way to the bank, but I'll be putting that $20 towards some other game now.
Same here. I had $20 set aside in my MS account. I will be finding another use for it. I'm also seriously considering trading in Destiny. The funny thing is that I still have Halo 1, 2, 3, ODST, and Reach sitting on my shelf. I also bought all the DLC for all of them.
Yeah I don't really get it. I'm an adult with a good full time job so $20 isn't anything to me it's just the principle of it. But I'm sure they'll have plenty of people giving them their money still on Xbox
I agree. It isn't the money itself. I couldn't care less about the $20. I just refuse to support a company that thinks this is the way to do business.