This is the kind if stuff I wanted in vanilla Destiny. Oh well. I already traded it in, so what would I care anymore?
[quote]Oh well. I already traded it in, so what would I care anymore?[/quote] this is partially considered "bitching". Also the fact that you're still here after you traded the game in "critiquing" shit makes YOU a tool.
The forums are a metagame. Soon Bungie will rake in the dough by advertising their next fast food promotion while we play. Are you ready to build your McLegend?
Edited by d 6d7565727465: 10/30/2014 4:23:00 AMHow it it considered "bitching"?! I'm only stating my opinion the same night i traded it in. The only reason I'm here is for #Offtopic. I sincerely apologize you don't like my opinion on your precious game. Now begone you Desticle.
dafuq is #offtopic?
Don't even bother looking for it. We don't need anymore fanboys going in there.
damn, thats even sadder. use a different website for your discussions if you don't even like their games bro.
Point to where I said i don't like Bungie games. I like almost all Bungie games, Myth, Marathon, ONI, and especially Halo. You'd probably like them too but oh yeah, you probably never gave a flying rats ass about Bungie until you heard about Destiny.
I've been with bungie before they moved to seattle asshat. i live a couple miles away from them.
I have no time for you. Asshat. I only stated my opinion and you two came in hell on wheels saying criticizing is the exact same as "bitching, whining, complaining, crying, etc, etc. So I sincerely apologize we don't share the same point of views.
Yet here you are in their forums still b***hing...
Lol. That's probably the stupidest thing I've heard all day. I'm just stating my opinion. If you can't see the difference between criticism and "bitching" you're an idiot.
I'm not trying to feed your anger but you are dissing the dlc to a game you made your decision about and have yet to experience for yourself
Bungie seemed to have cut out a majority of the story to make this DLC, of course it's only speculation but why else would Bungie be so certain no one would find those locked content areas?
really? whats more stupid than the fact that you're still here literally ONLY to bitch?
I'm so sick of you damn tools. Learn the difference between criticism and "Whining, crying, bitching, etc." And maybe you idiots would know what I'm talking about. Cry me a river about it.
You're the one getting worked up young skywalker
Edited by d 6d7565727465: 10/30/2014 4:18:12 AMLol, it's you fools that don't know the difference between judging a game and "whining" about it. Stating your opinion on the Desticles precious game will be your first mistake in this rotten hole of a community.
Im saying!