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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/30/2014 3:52:56 AM
Does anyone here even know what the word "grateful" means? Is there anyone here that doesn't bitch about everything? The people on these forums seriously make me sick... Is this what the new generation is going to be full of? Ungrateful self-entitled little brats? Bungie, thank you for this game. While it isn't perfect (like any game is), I highly enjoy it. Keep up the good work and know that there's at least one grateful person here.

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  • Grateful is for gifts, this is a product that we purchased.

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  • Everyone's just pissed they can't even play what they paid for. And BUNGIE patches aren't even to fix anything but make it worse. But yeah a lot of these people are over exaggerating

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  • Edited by NickThaRuler: 10/30/2014 6:02:01 AM
    Just bunch of babys.. lol

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  • Didn't realize I was expected to be grateful for 3 hrs of content I will have to pay 20$ bad. How about I just tell em thank you for ass-blam!-ing my wallet. Is that better?

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  • Edited by NickThaRuler: 10/30/2014 6:23:37 AM
    Dude that's cheap.. You cant even get a blowjob for $20 anymore and that only lasts for 5min if shes good. Relax and play Destiny ppl!!

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  • That's 1/3 the price of the full game..that's not cheap. Even COD's dlc is cheaper..that's sayin a lot. LMAO @ your comment though.

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  • I thought bj were free

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  • Lol.. Nice reply!! Now, Let me first explain this concept, nothing is free!! Everything cost and we are talking about value here. Destiny has achieved $60 of value anyone has played at least 6 hours.

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  • Bro you shouldnt pay for your BJ's get em free unless you feel like spendin. Anyways for me destiny didnt really dissapoint me, its just like the usual. Itll get boring after awhile kinda feel. Most games do that and to me i got bored just the same time i get bored with video games. Im still playing tho as i havent played the raid yet. I always dont have time to play working too much ha! Good thing is i get paid overtime ;)

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  • Edited by NickThaRuler: 10/30/2014 6:50:53 AM
    Naw main, bj's are cheaper to buy than trying to keep a woman happy. Trust me! And Im getting bored with this game just like I get bored with everything else. And speaking of Raids!! Where is the damn matchmaking already!!!!

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  • If thats the case, Ill take bjs instead of destiny for 60$ tho all day everyday lmfao! Js sayin. Ultimate pleasure>game pleasure. Hahaha! Fuq all that shit ! Fuq porno too! Make porno! Bjs expansion packs for 40$? Right on where dem hoes at lmfao.

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  • Lmfao.. +1 - Wordup!!

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  • your lucky you had 3 hours :(

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  • [quote]Does anyone here even know what the word "grateful" means? Is there anyone here that doesn't bitch about everything? The people on these forums seriously make me sick... Is this what the new generation is going to be full of? Ungrateful self-entitled little brats? Bungie, thank you for this game. While it isn't perfect (like any game is), I highly enjoy it. Keep up the good work and know that there's at least one grateful person here.[/quote] I tottaly agree with you

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  • Edited by NickThaRuler: 10/30/2014 6:52:50 AM
    Me too.. agreed

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  • Edited by Erics Playtime : 10/30/2014 6:05:42 AM
    I totally agree with the guy who had his wallet butt -blam!-ed

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  • Yes the world is just stupid kids who cry about everything, I do admit the game wasn't what I thought it to be. But It has been fun, when I first got it I loved it, I didn't stop playing it till I finished it but now it just doesn't appeal to me as much. I hope that the dlc is going to be fun because that's just what we need, something new to do. I'm not hyped for the dlc but I will be playing it just like most of you people. Also last thing, the people that complain don't you get it, bungie has been spammed by you, you can stop now I think they get it now that you are disappointed they are probably working hard to fix your problems and make Destiny better for all of us, now we sit patiently and see what Bungie can do with this game.

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  • Just like when i play dmc. When the story is finished theres nothing else to do but try it on hard mode (all over again, well atleast now with equipped armors and swords/guns) but that is all there is to it, put the cd in the case, get new a new game with a different story. When destiny part 2 comes out buy it and continue with new story but the thing is part 2's story isnt even worth it because part 2 is more like Destiny Part 1.25..? Ill buy dlc pack and im not complaining here merely js writing, and plus i gots money to buy it so what the heck right? I just hope it dont get borring too soon.

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  • I didnt play dmc4 on ps4 tho. They changed dante to a sissy boy. Wooo i finally shared my thought on dmc4! Lol

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  • Grateful? Are you serious? We bought Bungie's product and we expect it to work and entertain us with new content..... Why the hell should we be grateful that they didn't produce a game that fit the hype? Since we bought their product, we can review it however way we want. But yes, I too, wasted 60 bucks because I fell for the hype

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  • Edited by JOYROCK: 10/30/2014 6:16:13 AM
    i fell for the same thing brother :(, misleading they are, i expected "you can never truly finish Destiny" i was so happy hearing those words, made me buy the game only to beat it in 2 f.ucking days?!, it wasn't worth 60$ i tell you that much, sure as hell wont pay an other 20$ to be fooled again? F.UCK NO, level 32 in december OOoooOO omg ... cod only 3 maps?, well guess what????? they got 30 kill killstreaks bonus , they got 10 prestiges at what 50 levels(i dont know exactly lol) ?!?! so lets say its 50 levels per prestige , 10x50 is??? 500 f.ucking levels to level up with, now were f.ucking talking.,.... Destiny?!?! went from 30 to 32, 2 f.ucking levels? so 32 vs 500????? 500??? , might be 3 maps in the cod dlc but guess what?!?! ill still be leveling and prestiging while them nerf players have there finger in there asses because they got up to level 32 in 2 days and now they gotta wait 3 more f.ucking months to get probably lesss content then the one thats coming and youll move from 32 to 33lvls lolol , even if you get 3 characters, thats only up to 100 levels total(counting lvl 32) , ill get 500 levels to do in cod and not even pay 20$ yet!!! thats right!! im still paying 60$ for 500levels while theyll be paying 100$ just for 32 levels, what an embarrassment to the gaming public, hey bungie, did you hire the ouya employees? :D just wondering , hey i worked at McDonalds a long time ago , can i get a job to? since this place is a joke why not, what are you guys's fax number? .. whats your fax number DeeJ?? :)

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  • I think the issue is that people are only seeing the game in the now. I try to view the game, with sequels and dlc in the future. How it will eventually be. Yes, there are bugs, yes it gets repetitive, especially trying to keep up with three 26+ but I see that bungie is learning and am STOKED for what the future holds while I suffer through the now :) In short. I concur.

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  • Grateful? For a game that I paid for? Be grateful for a game that has great potential, but instead we are left to continually repeat the same raids to grind for equipment that becomes useless with the next dlc anyway? Speaking of DLC, the dlc just unlocks a little more of the game that was already there...and I do mean a little more like a handful of missions, another raid, more gear. I can't hold back the excitement, woohoo! !! And I actually do like the game but the fact is it seriously lacks real substance. With that said I don't believe anyone in the forum should be grateful ever for a game they've all PAID for and especially for a game that uses addiction as a replacement for enjoyable gameplay.

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  • What did COD give anyone. Really short campaign, and ten multiplayer maps... And they made like seven games the same way. Even HALO!! I don't know anyone who couldn't finish that campaign in a day or two

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  • So because your used to paying for poor gaming experiences you should be satisfied with more of it? Especially with a game that promised you so much more? And has clear evidence that the "dlc" was meant to be in the finished product in the first place? Hey man if you like getting -blam!-, by all means have fun. I'll wait till this game becomes actually good before I pay anymore money.

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