I love the game don't get me wrong. However I never wanted a game that Id be spending more and more money just to play. This could have been so much better right out the door. Instead they have made a community angry. We paid for a complete game, so we expect a complete game
This argument is so tired. The expansions, their names, and their prices were announced along with the game way back when. They were sold side by side. If you didn't want a game that was going to charge for the expansions, you should not have purchased Destiny.
Welcome to rpgs
I don't think they have made the game community angry I think for the few hundred haters out there posting stuff online there is millions of people playing this game and enjoying it 99 percent of people never even go on to a website to discuss the game but look at the numbers again how many people are playing it for hours and hours every day it's the most played game on both consoles
This. People confuse a small, extremely loud group as the majority. Nothing is further from the truth.