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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#Destiny #News

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  • Ok. Why on god’s green earth would you even buy Destiny on XBONE when it has been common knowledge that exclusive content would only be available on PS4? Furthermore the entire marketing campaign has geared towards PS4, so much so that before release I had several friends under the impression that Destiny was a PS4 exclusive title. People need to stop this console war / loyalty garbage. I have PS4, XBONE and I plan on picking up a Wii U this holiday, you know why? Because I don’t want to miss out on any titles this generation. Limiting your choices to just one console ultimately means that you are going to miss out on console exclusive titles and in Destiny’s case content. Don’t limit your choices this generation! You are really doing yourself a disservice. Don’t get me wrong XBONE Destiny players are absolutely getting the shaft this time. You are playing the same price and you’re not getting all the content. I get that. But don’t act like you didn’t see this swift kick to the nuts coming. In the end you’re missing out on a few strikes and a handful of weapons, it’s not that deep. Come December 9th if you are still raw about it speak with your wallet and don’t buy the DLC. XBONE players take a deep breath and remember you have a ton of great exclusives (Halo: MCC, Forza Horizon 2, and COD: AW DLC content a month B4 PS4) that are just around the corner.

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