I agree with you but it's done guys. They obviously don't listen and don't care or this DLC wouldn't be getting released in it's current state. None of our concerns have been addressed although they have been expressed since launch. I like many others bought the version that came with the year season pass. They already got a lot of peoples' money so they couldn't care less if people quit because Bungie refuses to make appropriate changes. Save your time guys and forget posting about it anymore. It's a total waste of time.
You get extra bounty slots you ungrateful twat. Do you even know how many Taco Bell promotions had to be purchased to fund that? There are internal debates about that at Bungie all day erry day. I mean, isn't it interesting how many people purchased the Taco Bell promotion instead of not purchasing it? There's CHATTER ABOUT IT FOR -blam!-S SAKE *sobs uncontrollably* Soon, soon *eats more Taco Bell Destiny promotions washed in the blood of RNGesus*
Yeah, i had alot of hopes for this expansion, i got to Lvl 30 grinding through the same little content we got to begin with, with hopes that the expansion was gonna be even more content. But this is absolutely ridiculous. Not even a new planet.