Hi. I'm just letting you know that I'm not sure what you're doing on Destiny these days, but I'm logging in, doing the daily heroic mission, getting bored halfway in, then finishing, getting ascendant energy instead of ascendant shards for the fifth time in a row and then logging out. There is NOTHING TO DO in Destiny anymore, and even Bungie seems to know that, seeing as there's an exotic weapon bounty that forces you to play the same five or six strikes 25 times. Missions are over in a heartbeat, and extra difficulty levels still give no incentive to play again. So people aren't balking at prices they think are ridiculous. They are saying it's an insult to charge an additional 20$ for a tiny amount of DLC that should have already been incorporated into a game starved of content. And people being "lazy" for not looking up the story on the Internet? Would you buy a 1,000 page book with only 20 written pages because you could look up the rest on the Internet? No, you would read the whole thing on the Internet and save yourself $60. There's hardly any story in-game and any additional information we find on the Internet won't change the impact the campaign had on us when we played it. Which is, to say, none at all. You are clearly a Bungie zealot who will defend their inhalation patterns of they are called into question. Sure, they're a great studio, at least they were, but that doesn't mean everything they do is perfect. They screwed up Destiny, and they need to fix it, not charge $20 for about 6 hours of content.
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