Ha feels like payback for all that time you xbox punks had the skyrim dlc before ps3 owners had it.
All the better real gamers are on Xbox, PlayStation has always been full of bks n little kids. I have both, n there is no competition for me on my playstation. This game is done when cod comes out.
Lets just agree that both Xbox and PS sucks if compared to The mighty old PC
Haha ur funny its the same on both platforms dumbass , theres always good and bad players on both platforms sooooo.........shrugs my shoulders idk man u must be on lsd or sumthing ..
Kid you can't even spell "something" LMFAO
Define kid .
Ha its funny how ur only argument to me is evaluating my text , got anything else ?? Lol
You are obviously a kid and haven't been gaming as long as some of us if you didn't already know that all bad kids play ps. Xbox has always and will always have the more serious, better gamers. Seeing as though you did not know that and argued that, I assumed you are a kid, that barely starting playing video games. So why would I argue with a kid who just picked up a controller about things he knows nothing about?
Not too mention. There are some kids who are better than most of us at the tender age of 10 , ur just mad cuz youve gone rusty ...
I wouldnt assume cuz that just makes an ass-out-of -you and me (ass-u-and-me ) , alright then tell me how old r you then good sir , please enlighten me with ur wiseness o great xbone fag lol dont get me wrong ...good SIR i had an XBOX just decided to switch is all and its not half bad , i still see the same skill level of players even before i went to ps4 , seems the same to me i treck thru chumps like you in xbox im doing the same in ps4 ,
I'm 26 years old child. And I'm done with this conversation. You can barely spell or put together a simple sentence, so I would ASSUME your critical thinking and reaction time is just as slow and inadequate as your vocabulary.
And you know whats the most interesting part of your rebuttle ?, how you pointed out my vocabulary and spelling , which in turn; is not even pertaining to the subject at hand, again i applaud you good sir , and tip my hat again .
I've made my point clear several times child, you're just so dumb and uneducated you can't even see what's right in front of your oily, disgusting, pimply face.
Mmmm all im seeing is low diction .....really low diction .....
Sigh ...it seems you came disfuntion-old , your arents would never let you win arguments thus leading to you arguing to win on these forums as a grown man , its psychological , should i refer you to a doctor ?
First off this is the internet ....whooo cares , unless your an english teacher with some sort of pet pieve , second im only 8 years younger than you , so thats not really what i would call a kid much less a child . Sigh * ur just a feeble old minded fool with no adequate space to fathom whats hovering over your ill mannered disgusting head . I tip my hat to you good sir.
The dlc comes out on xbox the same day/time as ps....
Yeah, but Skyrim was good.
Edited by Palmuu95: 10/30/2014 7:13:03 AMI got all hyped up just talking about it, too bad I'm at work :/
Edited by LoneStar: 10/30/2014 6:43:17 AMThis made my day
Did you have to wait a year before getting it?
Not quite lol
That wasn't an exclusivity deal retard, that was coding issues.
Started off as a exclusive deal, ended in a coding issue idiot
There was never any deal. Moron.