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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/30/2014 4:23:49 AM
Im A Lvl 30 Hunter, i kept grinding the little content we had to beging with to get Lvl 30. And then i was like Ok, Destiny is fun, im ready for the expansion. 1 strike n 1 raid is absolutely ridiculous. Notice i didnt mention the 3 regular missions, which arent even worth mentioning, and i love the Crucible, so the PvP maps are a plus, but honestly Destiny doesnt neet any more PvP content for now, instead we need PvE. I can understand theres 1 new raid, and thats fine, but just 1 strike lol really. Not even any new maps. Ive seen other games with updates that have had more content than this "expansion" 1 strike, like they have to joking.

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