Exclusives on release is one thing and had been ok for time being but to make dlc exclusives is complete bs... And on top of that not let anyone know till now?!
Bungie/Activision I get that Sony pays up the ass for this (if not then I guess u really want the game to fail) but there are some things u don't cross or mess with and exclusive dlc is not a smart idea on ur part... When a game is soo big on release and doesn't live up to its name and u didn't bother letting anyone know or delaying the release to fix the game, then u put ur self as the ones at fault for every little thing in the game... But u guys didn't see that as enough and decided that money talk more than the gaming community (and if u think destiny was going to make people switch consoles, well think again because the game didn't live up to what it looked to be).
Well Bungie/Activision, here is a FACT... THE COMMUNITY DECIDES IF THE GAME YOU MADE LIVES, OR DIES! SO IF U SPEND 500 million to make the game and sold enough copies to make 500 million. And the game flops well great for u, u made ur money back, but if u spend 500 million and and u make back 250 million and ur game lives, well u continues to rapidly make ur money back, because word spreads and people talk...
Yeah the community is switching from xbox to ps4 more and more because of the better graphics and Microsoft no longer has a hold on companies like Bungie. When you guys stop playing Destiny to play the old Halo MCC series, no one will notice, at least the majority of the cry babies will be gone from these forums.
Lmao graphics are better? Ahhh I won't waste my time with fan boys, go bother someone else
[quote]Lmao graphics are better? Ahhh I won't waste my time with fan boys, go bother someone else[/quote] Yet you just took the time to fuel the fire you're laughing your ass off over. Ignorance.
You gotta be kidding me
No I'm being dead serious, go waste someone else's time