[b][i]It's funny when for once there's a great game with exclusive content for Sony's systems, the Microsoft system owners go crazy. They, for the most part have always had the exclusives or DLC's a month before, or even some of the best games like Halo exclusive to their system. Now they are crying, acting like a toddler who just got their toy taken away. Calm down people.[/i][/b]
I disagree on how Xbox users have to wait a year I'm a psn player and Microsoft lets us get cod dlc 1 month after obviously something happend with bungie and Microsoft because they betrayed the people that made them
No it's the other way around, bungie made Xbox. Without halo the Xbox goes the way of the Sega dreamcast. Halo is all Xbox has and they have been clinging to it for over a decade.
Its not about ps getting it exclusive. It's about us having to it the same price at the same time and wait for it while you guys try to spoil it for us
I never said that you don't deserve the same for paying the same. It's just annoying when people complain about it when they've had the best exclusives all along. If you wanted to get more for your buck in this game, a ps4 might have been the better choice. But who knows ️what xbox will get next.
Sunset overdrive looks pretty badass
You can't say a ps4 would be the better choice if no one knew bunjie would be dumb -blam!-s
Well i guess you found out the hard way lol. Sorry
All the dlc is shit!! PS and Xbox Usuers sholud go crazy!!
We did get our "toy" taken away ......
Ummm i didn't say all xbox users did, sorry if i offended you. The post was directed at the extreme complaining going on by some of the xbox users upset that they don't have exclusives for a popular game.
No worries, I'm slowly stopping anyways....... Destiny is still one of the best games I've played but like all the rest there's gonna be better games ahead, I ain't even trippin lol
Does playstation pay monthly for online?
[quote]Does playstation pay monthly for online?[/quote] Yeah actually ps4 players do....?
Edited by xD3ADSHOT15x: 10/30/2014 5:37:09 AMIt was a serious question haha. That's what alot of people argued about the content coming out on Xbox live before playstation was because play station was free an you had to pay for live. So I was just wondering if it was still like that.
Ps3 players don't pay, ps4 players do.
Oh lol sorry. Read it the wrong way
actualy i went to a few spots and apparently ps is only getting 1 exclusive strike and as you can clearly see they havent posted anything on here about the delay for xbox or didnt say anything like "for our psn gamers" and sonys interview they said 1 ps exclusive strike so yeah idk either way this doesnt even seem worth me trying to get my hands on ill go buy unity gta and or cod aw im sure unity alone will keep my occupied for a few months
You act like PS doesn't have awesome exclusive games like the Uncharted series, Infamous, Killzone, Heavy Rain, Resistance, etc, etc.
They have different target audiences then destiny. None of those games appeal to many people unlike the halo series which is probably one of the most played modern games out there besides maybe cod
That's totally your opinion.
I like this comment a lot. PREACH BROTHER
I love how you compare it to a 1 month wait , for crying out loud we have to wait a whole year when there's barely Any content and yes Xbox has exclusive games but so does PS . So honestly Xbox users do have a reason for their complaining
What are we waiting a year for...?
Edited by elitek13: 10/30/2014 5:21:38 AMAn exclusive strike thats part of this dlc but only PS users get it when Xbox gets it fall 2015
Edited by xLEFx777x: 10/30/2014 4:47:32 AMShould I be that millionth person to -blam!-ing remind you that a month exclusive is NOT THE SAME AT ALL than a year exclusive. How would you feel is the company that you grew up with and that you helped being successful would suddenly spit right in your face?