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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/30/2014 4:50:44 AM
Crap! Total crap! Making a exclusive to ps3 ps4 is crap in my opinion. We are paying the same exact amount of money (maybe more) than the people that play the Play Station do we should get the same content!! At the end of the day people who play the xbox will have 6 strikes while the people who play play station will have 8 strikes with 2 exclusive strikes. Where one we will prob never get.

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  • This is a good explanation of the exclusivity [quote]Figured I'd chime in since I've seen multiples of this same thread and have yet to see the actual correct answer. Yes, exclusive content is the result of a certain company partnering with the games studio in order to get either timed or exclusive rights to all or part of a franchise. No, this is not some shady back room deal to spite a particular company, person or fans. It has nothing to do with hardware either (except in the case of Nintendo systems because they DO lack the hardware requirements for much of the content). Exclusive deals are for the most part initiated by the console manufacturer in order to entice customers into buying their product over the competition. It works. Exclusive content for one particular franchise or another is why many people purchase one system over another. When a studio is large enough then the manufacturers come to them asking to not make content available to their competition. When a studio is small the manufacturer will only offer them a licensing deal if they make the content exclusive. People need to remember that game development, while it may seem more entertaining than most jobs, is still a job. As such it's preeminent goal is to earn money. A studio that caters exclusively to a fan base instead of to the manufacturers will soon be one with a vacant office. If you don't like the delayed (or non existent) release of exclusive content then give in to the manufacturers and buy their product. Otherwise, quit your complaining and realize that you are not the most important person in the world. Bungie can afford to piss off half of their fan base because they are still making a profit off of the other half. Take an economics course or two. Educate before you deliberate.[/quote]

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  • As much as I despise Microsoft and the Xbox, mainly for tricking people in to thinking it's a viable video game console. I agree that's total bullshit! They over saturate the market with horrible" games" and release 1 descent thing and make you guys believe it's the second coming. Have you ever noticed how when you go to gamestop and the entire lengthwise wall is Xbox crap, I mean games? I swear I'm not being a fanboy or be insulting, I genuinely feel bad for Xbox gamers especially now. Sunset overdrive does look f'ing boss though!

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  • Deal with it. It's just like CoD. XBONE gets the DLC 1 month earlier than PS3.

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  • Xbox will get the dlc, the same time/day ps does. Jus ps gets 2 strikes and xbox gets 1. Everything else is the same.

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  • Oh so now waiting a year is equal to waiting a month. (It may not even be a year, it said clearly at least fall 2015)

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  • Xbox is getting THE ENTIRE NEXT TOMB RAIDER GAME, yeah you read that right the full game, on a timed exclusive. BTW The Dust Palace strike, the timed exclusive one on Playstation available now, is the worst strike in the entire game, and I would be more than happy to have everyone have to share in the misery that is the triple Psion Flayer boss fight when it sneaks its little head into the Tiger Playlist. The exclusive mp map isn't that good either, in fact I honestly can't even remember the name of it because I don't care when it comes up. 2 strikes is seriously not much at the end of the day, and is a drop in the bucket compared to everything else being presented. For other games you could spend $15 and all you'd get is 4 mp maps, but for Destiny you pay an extra $5 and you not only get 3 mp maps but you also get 3 story missions, 1 (or 2) strike(s), a raid, level expanding gear, and new weapons. People are getting way too worked over what they aren't getting compared to what they are. I get it, you won't get everything immediately and that sucks, but it isn't this freaking rage worthy and certainly not a reason for this much outcry.

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  • u should have a PS3 or PS4 then u wouldn't be complaining. XBOX LOSERS always crying abt something

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  • I have a ps4 and i have to Tell you it sucks. The Ps4 as a offline console is Great but as a Multiplayer console it sucks!!! Crapy PSN Servers.

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  • That was the most idiotic response I've read all day. Thank you for being the poster boy sony pony.

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  • Lol sony pony :D! I was always on playstation. I always think xbox is just a copycat haha but hey thats just me(its like asking your coworker if he likes grilled chicken or crispy and he says grilled but you think crispy is way better).

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  • Wasn't talking to you sir. Move along little pony.

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  • I can see your post though. Lol i can hit reply if i want to and write what i want, dont be a sore loser man.

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  • A sore loser? What did I lose at exactly? At what point did you and I compete at something? Cause if we had, I'd bet my gf on the fact that I'd whoop you at whatever we competed at. You responded to my post as if I were talking to you specifically. Congratulations, you earned the #2 spot on my "most idiotic posts of the day" list. And of course it came from a sony pony ;) GG

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  • I'm not the one complaining abt the DLC. I got the expansion pass so while I'm playing the new DLC you'll still be playing repetitive missions over and over again. SONY 4 life

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  • Obviously you don't know that xbox will get the dlc the same day/time ps does. Only thing different is ps gets 2 strikes, xbox gets 1. Everything else is the same. So actually read up on something before you try to brag.

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  • And I got the limited edition, so it came with the expansions. Thanks for another retarded ass response with literally 0 relevance. I'll bet I could fit the ps slim up your ass

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  • I don't care wht u got. sit back and play ur xbox and keep complaining abt wht ur not getting until next year hahahaha. oh and tht remark abt the ps slim ur just a gay ass xboxer who is mad!

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  • I smell 12 yr old CoD fanboy. L2Spell bro Ermagard u mad bro lawl i tpe lke I'm mssn keys on da kebord lawl

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  • You're a fag

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  • Edited by elitek13: 10/30/2014 5:10:22 AM
    I also like how PS users compare it to cod's 1 month wait for dlc while we have to wait a whole year that's just bs

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  • Amen! I came on here to write the same thing. It is a total rip-off that xbox players pay the same amount for less content. That is a complete slap in the face from Bungie.

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  • And btw ok I get it 1-3 months is ok but 1 year for exclusives is unacceptable in my opinion

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  • PS players can't play certain XBox games at all. Each system has benefits of their own. Like PS4 users have amazing computational power in their machines. XBox users have a cute gimmick to incorporate their Cable and can do all sorts of other non-game related stuff. It's business!

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  • Xbox players can't play some Playstation games at all! But then again, that's completely -blam!-ing irrelevant. We are talking about the same game, on different consoles, with different content. -blam!-ing sony pony.

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  • The difference is, exclusives usually just limit the game completely to that one console. You deal with it and simply don't buy it because you can't get it for your console. These timed exclusives still take your money, but give you less for it, that's why it's frustrating. Contract or not, if we payed equal price we deserve equal treatment. I don't hate the PS players for getting the exclusive or Xbox players with the ones they have, I hate the way companies try to make extra money at the expense of the gamers' experience. Now, I'm not necessarily mad about what I'm missing with the Destiny exclusive, but if I bought it for it full price, I kind of expect to be delivered the full package when I payed for it; or is that just self entitlement speaking? Xbox may have done that with COD, but when you were able to buy it they gave you the full package when you bought it, not just a slice of it at a time. I doubt I'll really wait a whole year for most of the exclusives and they'll be irrelevant for the most part by that time. These companies truly advertise about being for the gamers and by the gamers, they shouldn't make it like this where certain gamers get the short end of the stick when there's no reason to. I wish they would own up to what they say and not be as money driven with greed.

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