Your a fag if you don't like destiny
I wouldn't go that far mate. Im sure there are lots of gays that play destiny. I would say if you have more than one character and one of those is level 27 or higher you like this game. Stop claiming otherwise just because its what everyone is doing.
I am no jumping on the bandwagon I just like destiny and think it's pointless to put it down🐃
I like destiny too.
Good for you
Yes it is good for me.
What type of character are you and what lvl
Are you asking me or spanky? I like destiny im against the haters. I think you might have got me confused.
Edited by Hoops: 10/30/2014 5:57:17 AMYou can check my profile. I have a warlock at 28 and a hunter which is 24 atm. Will probably do a titan at some point. The warlock was my first character which I am happy with using most of the time but I got some gear for the other two along the way so I started the hunter last week.