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originally posted in: The Dark Below
10/30/2014 5:26:06 AM
Yeah, well Carl's Jr shows Paris Hilton and Kate Upton eating their burgers in their commercials, and I don't see people griping about them not coming with the food that looks nothing like what is advertised. Seriously though, Titanfall did the same thing, marketed their game as this amazing new experience and it was just PVP with AI cannon fodder. Halo has been the same exact rehashed shit since the beginning of the franchise and people ate that shit up. As a matter of fact, people are going to buy the entire Halo franchise all over again and get damn near the same game they've already played for the past 10 years rehashed for a new console. Look if Bungie and Activision announced they were ceasing all development on Destiny effective immediately and would release no more patches or content, you have a valid argument. But they marketed and sold this as an evolving game with planned content releases, yada, yada. The frameworks there for them to add way more stuff and 2 months later it feels the same. I get it! You're bored, you paid $60 for a game you feel is half complete. But I don't feel it's half complete, we bought the base model and will be required to buy upgrades. Video Games have been $60 since the original Xbox and PS2 man, we've spanned 3 console generations without an increase in price to the base game, but today's technology allows for all this revolving and add on content the shake things up. This seems like a new things for consoles to have an MMO type game with event like content and such. Give it time, it will get better. Call of Duty Ghosts was also incomplete and lacking a good story at launch. They had a very basic flat predictable Campaign, 1, and I repeat 1, ONLY 1 extinction mission/mode and then PVP. I beat the game in a couple days, played a bit of PVP, that got old so I moved on to same exact Extinction mission over and over. In 2 weeks I completely burned through that game. After the DLC released though and several months of content releases, updates and patches, it's a completely different game. Extinction mode heavily evolved from what it was and it was worth playing again. That took nearly a year. Here we are 2 months out from launch on Destiny and people are complaining the game is incomplete and lacking content. Seems to me it's just getting started and they are taking their time to see what the community really gravitates toward before investing time to develop the new content. Imagine how much a wasted effort it would have been for Bungie to have a bunch of fully developed, unreleased content that was very similar to the base game that many people are already griping about? Imagine if they spent a ton of time making a Grimoire library in the tower and nobody used it? Imagine if they made Sparrow races part of the original game and people felt it was out of place for a FPS? Imagine if they released this elaborate committed story line that sucked instead of the widely open ended story we got? Imagine Bungie may be smart enough to throttle content so they can test out ideas on their consumer base before doing a full on deep development cycle in an aspect of the game every may just hate? Sorry for the long winded post, and I may be full of shit, Bungie may be screwing us all, but I'll wait until after the game has been out a year and it's had ample time for content buffs before I write it off.

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