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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • With this dlc they treat us like retardet braindamaged.vegetables.... So almost 0 new models, 2 new models for weapons, no new lovation to explore freely. corta.will lool like hive knight but with different textures, lame multiplayer maps, and still the reef is not used. U suck so hard. This game dont deserve a sequel. And donr deserve a 10y lifespan for what activision done to it. Its realy sad that bungie.made pact with a devil and now they are paying the price. So this notrst in patch notes about additional bountie slots that supposed to be out soon in reality were just stuff from dlc. You mother-blam!-ers how could you... For this game i go bankrupt, right now ure just a shade of.ur former self so if this would.happen noone gona cry... Maybe activision.will buy you out ...

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