Oh sure... The poll that took place on a forum notorious for trolls and whiners, and halo fanboys is COMPLETELY representative of the majority of people.
Hey guys! It looks like we have a bonna-fide statistician here!
Even a child would know not to take that seriously.
I've seen plenty of people on here who arn't trolls or whiners. You can't base the entire online community as such because of a few bad apples.
Just as you can not get an accurate sample of hundreds of thousands from a few people. I will say here and now, that judging by my experience in other boards, this forum has the largest population of fervently unreasonable and vocal people that I have ever had the displeasure of listening to. It is also well documented that satisfied customers are much less noisy than unsatisfied ones.
Hmm. I'd have to agree :)