I'd pay 20 bucks for matchmaking... How about that?
I shouldn't have to pan-handle to play a video game.
I think at this point, Destiny should pay us to play the game. We payed $60 for something that really should have been about $35-40.
The longevity of this game is pretty much based on people who can manufacture fun in their own heads instead of the game presenting it. Those people who can play the same strike 76 times and just pretend they are doing something different.
I don't think it's for hardcore gamers as people think it is. Destiny is a really easy game, you just have to trick yourself into thinking its expansive.
People could argue that I'm not "hardcore" enough to spam invites to random players, but that's what matchmaking is for. If I get on kind of late, I don't want to spend an hour finding people to Raid, just put me in a group via matchmaking and we'll work it out I promise.
I try to play once a night but... Phew... I just don't have it in me anymore. I actually went through all the trouble of completing a exotic bounty and that Thorn is not even half the fun of a purple I have. Not even 1/3 of the gun. That was kind of the last straw. I just can't keep convincing myself the game is fun anymore.
The game should be called Destiny: The Hunt for Ascended Shards.
It was fun, sadly I've made the mistake of buying the season pass because I didn't think a game COULD be this limited in content, so I have to try it all... But Bungie... Bless your hearts. I don't know what you guys think you've created but it's not what you are obviously thinking it is. If you are just adding more Raids that no one can hardly wrangle people to do on their own, or just weapons that end up weaker than lower level guns, you may want to charge about 10 dollars are DLC and try to get back all the players you are going to lose in 2 weeks with new games releasing (Which is funny because you are about to lose gamers to an old remastered game that's better than your current one :/ )
I commend all of you gamers who are level 30s that can keep doing this stuff over and over and who have loads of friends that have lots of time to play Raids on your time... I don't have any of that and I have around 15 possible people playing Destiny - schedules never work out. I'm actually jealous that you enjoy such a sampler plate of a game. I'll admit, if I could get some Nightfall and Raid action in, Id probably enjoy the game 25% more, but without matchmaking, it just isn't going to work.
So Bungie, hopefully you'll get on the ball and not spend so much time writing 42 page essays about what patches you're doing and will start filling this game out.
Maybe start doing ascended shard fragments that can be rewarded throughout the game so even smaller missions can keep you moving forward?
I get that Raids should be ways to get major goodies, but why can't their be other ways? Why is Raids the endgame?
Why not take those multiplayer maps and drop in some AI and make it a horde mode? The higher the wave the better the rewards. Horde modes are 200x times more fun than the Raids... That's why they keep popping up in games.
And maybe LEAVE THE DAMN CRUCIBLE GAMETYPES IN!!! I like skirmish... I don't want to play it one day a week. Make a list and leave it alone.
Why not a type with no supers? Supers are boring in crucible. You got 3 kills because you pushed two buttons together... Weeee zzzzzz.
Why not a swat? Capture the flag? King of the hill? Races?
If you think you're some new game breaker of ideals, you're not. You're 6 games packed into one in a weaker form. So if you're holding out on these "old game types and ideas" - stop. Add them in, accept you're just another game and give us some varying content that isn't Raids and rehashed story missions.
It would take you MORE work to build a new Raid than it would to slap some AI in a crucible map and make a horde mode.
Aaaaaand break!
Really don't think $20 is that much for an expansion. I know fifa 15 players who have spent over $150 just on player packs in the hope of getting the players they want. Also all consol games are pretty much the same price. I've played destiny over 60 hrs so far and only played c.o.d ghosts for less than 2, but payed the same price for both.
Edited by EXOC3PO: 10/30/2014 7:05:24 AM[quote]Capture the flag?[/quote]
I dont want randoms matchmade with me when im doing raid/nightfall/weekly trust me neither do you here is a suggestion stop being lazy and make friends dont drag use social ppl down with you.
Adding matchmaking won't change how you choose to gather a team.
I do them for fun when im bored
But sometimes i want to solo the weekly and nightfall so yes it will you wont be able to unless you can turn it off/on
Im on XBone message me for weekly or raid.
It still pisses me off that there isn't a No Supers game mode.
Actually about 2 million people have playe the raid and almost 700000 have finished it....its pretty easy to find a group on reddit,,, takes about 15 mins
But why can't the GAME provide that service? Why do I have to go find strangers instead of the game finding strangers for me? I don't get people using that as an excuse for Bungie. "Stop playing the game, turn on your laptop, find a thread, message strangers, get their gamertag, find them in the fairly clunky Xbox friend system, send them an invite and THEN play. Rinse and repeat for 4 other members - nice and simple" Or... Have a button in the game that says "find players"... Wait 4 seconds and done. *angel choir sings" Taking 10-15 minutes to find strangers via computer or take 30 seconds to find strangers via matchmaking. Hmm. Find another excuse. Strangers are strangers.
U dont have to look around, u make a post and people will add you and u just have to wait, also you can be specific like 28's only ect. No noobs
That's fine and I appreciate you commenting in a non-condescending tone, but I think you are missing the point. Imagine if you had to do that for any other game? What if you had to go online and gather people to play a few rounds of call of duty? Or to challenge you to a game of Madden? Having to make posts to play Chaos mode on Sunset Overdrive? Why is Destiny the only game that everyone is ok with not doing this? When did we suddenly draw a line from something that's been a normal commodity since video games went online?
I thought it was around 400,000...
Link me to your statistics resources at your earliest convenience, thank you kindly.
Shut up cod fanboy , ur just not a grinder whoch makes you sukish lolololololo, oh and one more thing .......mmo's arent fair that way ! Trolllllll lolllolol
An interesting point: It would take less effort to add some AI to the multiplayer maps than making a raid. I would wager way more people would enjoy horde mode than another raid.
Why not both?
Guys really stop f complaining, being Un great full is the reason why we loosing good games than they start charging for shit. Destiny is a great game so STFU and enjoy let bungie work.
Edited by Main187: 10/30/2014 8:00:24 AMNo offense, but I'm starting to tire of ppl sayin "stop complaining" "be gratefull" "not happy, play something else" and so on. I've enjoyed the game, and by a lot of means, I still do. I'm around 35, I got a wife and kid so I've NOT played it too much by far to tire of it, time won't let me. I've played trough the story twice with different characters, I play PvP, love PvE, played VoG and do strikes, daily and weekly plus nightfall. I'd say I've played a lot of the content and don't just tire of playin one thing, but everything is gettin repetitive. If this was what I was promised, I'd agree with about 90% of the comments with "play something different, STFU if u not happy" and so on. But if u look at the trailers for Destiny, the interviews and so on you'd see they promised us a legend of a game with an epic story, huge amount of content, free worlds, solar systems and so on. THAT is why I pre payed for the expansion packs, not a story (or a lack of) I could play trough in a few hours and the same strikes and contents all over. By any means, the game is still great and it's very fun playin with other friends or players you meet. My specific problem is that I feel like I ordered a Rolls Royce and received a Mercedes. I mean, it's still a good and fun car, but so much less then what's advertised.. And the reason why I "bitch" about this is that this game has so much potential and promise. If Bungie woulda delivered what they promised, this would by far be the best game ever released so far.
So your reasoning of being grateful for a chicken parmigana for dinner as opposed to the delicious looking coq au vin it was advertised as will ensure that next time you won't be ripped off further? Honestly? Their business model was perfect, advertise gold, sell iron that looks like silver, no refunds kthxbai
We don't have to be grateful. We paid for a product.
Its good,not great...
BUMP. I already paid 40 bucks extra for the limited edition. Matchmaking for raids, weeklys, dailies, and nightfall is ESSENTIAL!