Bungie used explosives on the second tower!!! That notorious whisper in that classroom "we locked certain content on Destiny, you know that game we will release in 2014, Mr. President, you will make 20 dollars a pop of this shit". So, 911 and bungie are working together to remake Bambi the movie the video game. Its gonna be what destiny was gonna be to begin with. Only this time they will add the pictures of celebrities buttholes they locked on the original game. Just my theory, solid and fact based.
Oh wow I forgot to mention the [url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law]-godwinslaw!-[/url] and the The Dallas Cowboys both played a huge role in the locking of said content. I shouldn't be talking about, I fear my life could be in danger.
Yes. Yes! Ancient aliens, 911, and Bungie are all working together in a ultra secret society known only to Germans as, The Crub. "They" think we will just stand by and shell out our hard earned 20 dollar bills while they sit back in their hot tubs smoking cigars. No aliens, we will not just stand by. No 911, you will not bend me over for the 13th time. We will not be buying anymore of your lies bungie!
You know, ancient aliens could have had a part in the whole Destiny debacle, your right.
Lol wut