Learn how to accept when your points have been debunked instead of getting nit picky about language I may have used with other people on the forum. That's just sad man. You clearly have nothing else of substance to add to this topic, just let it go already.
I'm done with this just cause I'm tired literally and of your intolerance. You may wanna learn how to admit when you've just been proven wrong. You never did address my points regarding what little proof I did have though. I got on your case about that cause you're just a big poopoo all around. Poopoo face. But yea I'm tired. I know you wont, but it just might go a long way to think about the whole other people's opinion do matter thing. Haha thats just my opinion hahahaha. Thanks for the interesting conversation though homey take it easy. I hold no hate for you just frustration. Sorry we couldn't find a middle ground haha.