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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
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  • I'd pay 20 bucks for matchmaking... How about that? I shouldn't have to pan-handle to play a video game. I think at this point, Destiny should pay us to play the game. We payed $60 for something that really should have been about $35-40. The longevity of this game is pretty much based on people who can manufacture fun in their own heads instead of the game presenting it. Those people who can play the same strike 76 times and just pretend they are doing something different. I don't think it's for hardcore gamers as people think it is. Destiny is a really easy game, you just have to trick yourself into thinking its expansive. People could argue that I'm not "hardcore" enough to spam invites to random players, but that's what matchmaking is for. If I get on kind of late, I don't want to spend an hour finding people to Raid, just put me in a group via matchmaking and we'll work it out I promise. I try to play once a night but... Phew... I just don't have it in me anymore. I actually went through all the trouble of completing a exotic bounty and that Thorn is not even half the fun of a purple I have. Not even 1/3 of the gun. That was kind of the last straw. I just can't keep convincing myself the game is fun anymore. The game should be called Destiny: The Hunt for Ascended Shards. It was fun, sadly I've made the mistake of buying the season pass because I didn't think a game COULD be this limited in content, so I have to try it all... But Bungie... Bless your hearts. I don't know what you guys think you've created but it's not what you are obviously thinking it is. If you are just adding more Raids that no one can hardly wrangle people to do on their own, or just weapons that end up weaker than lower level guns, you may want to charge about 10 dollars are DLC and try to get back all the players you are going to lose in 2 weeks with new games releasing (Which is funny because you are about to lose gamers to an old remastered game that's better than your current one :/ ) I commend all of you gamers who are level 30s that can keep doing this stuff over and over and who have loads of friends that have lots of time to play Raids on your time... I don't have any of that and I have around 15 possible people playing Destiny - schedules never work out. I'm actually jealous that you enjoy such a sampler plate of a game. I'll admit, if I could get some Nightfall and Raid action in, Id probably enjoy the game 25% more, but without matchmaking, it just isn't going to work. So Bungie, hopefully you'll get on the ball and not spend so much time writing 42 page essays about what patches you're doing and will start filling this game out. Maybe start doing ascended shard fragments that can be rewarded throughout the game so even smaller missions can keep you moving forward? I get that Raids should be ways to get major goodies, but why can't their be other ways? Why is Raids the endgame? Why not take those multiplayer maps and drop in some AI and make it a horde mode? The higher the wave the better the rewards. Horde modes are 200x times more fun than the Raids... That's why they keep popping up in games. And maybe LEAVE THE DAMN CRUCIBLE GAMETYPES IN!!! I like skirmish... I don't want to play it one day a week. Make a list and leave it alone. Why not a type with no supers? Supers are boring in crucible. You got 3 kills because you pushed two buttons together... Weeee zzzzzz. Why not a swat? Capture the flag? King of the hill? Races? If you think you're some new game breaker of ideals, you're not. You're 6 games packed into one in a weaker form. So if you're holding out on these "old game types and ideas" - stop. Add them in, accept you're just another game and give us some varying content that isn't Raids and rehashed story missions. It would take you MORE work to build a new Raid than it would to slap some AI in a crucible map and make a horde mode. Aaaaaand break!

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